Venue: Conference Room 3 and 4 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Alison Philpott 023 8083 3076
No. | Item |
Welcome, Apologies and Changes Of Membership To receive any apologies and changes to membership.
Minutes: RESOLVED that following nomination and a unanimous vote, Ruth Gill was appointed as Chair of SACRE for the Municipal year 2022-23. There were no other nominations.
RESOLVED that following nomination and a unanimous vote, Elizabeth Jenkerson was appointed as Vice Chair of SACRE for 2022-23. There were no other nominations.
RESOLVED that apologies had been received from Steve Deadman, Anas-Al-Korj, Richard Wharton, and Kate Martin. |
Minutes of the Last Meeting including Matters Arising To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 8th November 2021 (ASC), 8th November 2021, and 7th February 2022, attached.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings held on 8th November 2021 (ASC), 8th November 2021, and 7th February 2022, be approved and signed as a correct record.
Membership of SACRE To receive any changes in membership.
Minutes: RESOLVEDthat Matthew Bunday, representing Love Southampton, be approved as a co-opted member until the SACRE meeting in November 2022, when the SACRE membership would be reviewed in line with the Constitutional review.
Training since previous meeting (AP) To receive verbal feedback and updates from SACRE members on any events or training attended since the previous meeting.
Minutes: RESOLVED to receive verbal feedback and updates from SACRE members on events or training. The following was noted:
· EJ reported that the NASACRE (online) Conference, 27 June 2022, 7.30pm, would host 160 participants from 153 SACREs nationwide. Topics to be covered included:
o A published handbook on the changes to SACREs and a report about implementing it. o New Government white paper on Locally Agreed Syllabus o World Views
· EJ recommended that everyone read the FAQs and look at the workshops to attend. · AP reported that a new NASACRE password was needed before sharing the join details with SACRE members.
Monitoring Visits to Schools (AP) Alison Philpott to report verbally on the plan for academic year 2022/23. Minutes: i AP reported verbally on the plan for academic year 2022/23.
· Summer term: reintroduction of statutory assessment and GSCE. · Next meetings: July, September, October 2022. · EB would be undertaking a support visit as requested by Head Teacher.
ii Following a recent Ofsted inspection, staff from Foundry Lane school made a presentation to the SACRE to share knowledge. The following points were noted:
· Ofsted asked about long term plan for RE teaching. o The Locally Agreed Syllabus review had recently been completed and all teachers were following the new syllabus. · Ofsted asked how RE teaching staff were supported. o Professional Development Meetings (PDM) worked alongside the School Improvement Plan. o RE packs were provided. o Links to members of staff for expert knowledge on the key concepts relating to particular faiths. · Ofsted was impressed by the school’s monitoring processes, ensuring that all vulnerable groups were monitored. · Inconsistencies noted in learning cycles had been realigned. · Progression of skills from Year R to Year 6 o Progression through all years was tracked through assessment folders. o There was an assessment tracker for each key concept. o Children were able to reflect on concepts. o Children could see what was being assessed. o Children were able to share learning through various outputs; discussion, art work, writing, and pupil conferences. o EYFS created one book for all to contribute to (to continue with collaborative project until Easter, then revert to individual learning). · Due to Covid, RE learning visits were cancelled. o The school community contributed numerous videos. o Outside visitors talked about their faith via Zoom, which provided opportunities to contextualise in different faith groups. o RE took place via Zoom during Covid. · RE display boards, based on festivals as they occurred, were important. · The school had made a list of top tips for an Ofsted ‘Deep Dive’ in RE.
Discussion Items: What do these reports mean for RE in our area? (AP) Minutes: RESOLVED that this item would be added to the September 2022 SACRE agenda as not all members had read the related documents. |
Agree a review date of advice documents (AP) Minutes: AP invited members to join a working group to review new Advice Documents:
· Southampton SACRE - Advice document for schools and community groups ( (General advice)
· Southampton SACRE Advice Document for Schools and Community Groups ( (RSE)
Reviews would take place in July or September and the reviewed documents would be shared at the September and November SACRE meetings.
AP agreed to contact volunteers RG, EJ, SC, SU, LH and LA by email to discuss further.
Review of Action Plan to date (Group Leaders +AP) 1. Group Leaders to feedback verbally. 2. Consideration of adding SACRE self-evaluation to Action Plan for coming year. Minutes: Training for RE leaders (AP) · 22 June 2022, 3.30pm to 5.30pm, Bassett Green Primary · AP to let LH know the details.
Golden Threads to be launched in September (AP) · Looking at assessment. · 19 people for training this year. · Start buddying people up to support schools.
Places of Worship Mapping (SU) · Identified places to be included. · Need name of key contacts. · Who is available to visit schools or be visited? · AP to advise on code of conduct and dress code. · MG had been working on a questionnaire to share locally so a map could be published online. AP had talked to IT about hosting the map on the SCC website. Project to be held over for continued work over next 6 months as it would need reviewing and to be quality assured. · AP to follow up if videos can be uploaded.
Student Presentations (AP) · SACRE members were invited to attend presentations at schools where small groups of students would meet with faith representatives from the area, and work on a presentation for the end of the day. · This activity had stopped, due to Covid, over 2 years ago and members were invited to support it.
Members' update - Local or national events Minutes: AP reported that the June SACRE training was key for new members and anyone else who wanted to join.
AOB previously notified Please notify the Chair no less than 3 days before the meeting of any AOB Minutes: · AP requested that members note Item 8 would be the main agenda item for the September meeting.
· Members to email any documents regarding the white paper to AP. |