Agenda and minutes

Planning and Rights of Way Panel - Tuesday, 2nd August, 2022 4.00 pm

Venue: Conference Room 3 and 4 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Email: [email protected]  023 8083 3899 / 07385 399156

Link: Link to meeting

No. Item


Apologies and Changes in Panel Membership (If Any)

To note any changes in membership of the Panel made in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 4.3.


Apologies were noted from Cllr Savage. Cllr Shields represented Cllr Savage for the purposes of the meeting.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting (including matters arising) pdf icon PDF 331 KB

To approve and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the meetings held on 12 July 2022, and to deal with any matters arising.


RESOLVED: that the minutes for the meeting on 12th July 2022, be approved and signed as a correct record.


22/00761/FUL 37-39 Oxford Street pdf icon PDF 297 KB

Additional documents:



The Panel considered the report of the Head of Green City and Infrastructure recommending refusal in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


Change of use of the existing building from restaurant (Use Class E) to drinking establishment/restaurant (Sui Generis) with associated external alterations to the façade and erection of a 3rd floor with roof terrace bar.


Simon Reynier (City of Southampton Society),  David Hurlock (Managing Director Landene Ltd), Colin Beaven (local resident objecting), and James Iles  (Director, Pro Vision) (agent) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.  In addition, statements were received from David Hurlock of Landene Ltd and, David Riley-Cole (local resident objecting) and circulated to the Panel prior to the meeting and published online.


During the course of the debate Members noted the lack of an assessment of the potential impact on neighbours from noise emanating from the roof top terrace.  Cllr Blatchford noted the council’s duty under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.


The Panel then considered the recommendation to refuse the application. Upon being put to the vote the recommendation was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED to refuse planning permission for the reasons set out in the report.



22/00721/R3CFL Kingsclere Avenue pdf icon PDF 368 KB

Additional documents:


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Green City & Infrastructure recommending that planning permission be granted subject to conditions set out in the report.


Change of use of open space and verge to 22 parking spaces facilitated by Grassblock paving (departure from local plan).


The presenting officer reported to Members that one of the sites proposed for car parking had been removed in order to address neighbour concerns, which had resulted in a change of description from 22 car parking spaces to 13 spaces.


The Panel was invited to approve a change to the recommendation from ‘conditional approval’ to ‘Delegate to Officers’ to issue consent following the receipt of an amended landscaping plan.


The Panel then considered the amended recommendation. Upon being put to the vote the recommendation was carried.



FOR:  Councillors Blatchford, Coombs, Magee, Prior, Payne. Shields

AGAINST:  Councillor Windle


RESOLVED to delegate to the Head of Planning & Economic Development to grant planning permission subject to the conditions set out within the report subject to receipt of an amended landscape plan.





22/00399/FUL 59 Burgess Road pdf icon PDF 375 KB

Report of the Head of Green City & Infrastructure recommending that conditional authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address, attached.


Additional documents:


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Green City and Infrastructure recommending that conditional planning permission be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


Retention of "As Built" rear Retaining Wall and erection of additional fencing to the rear boundary treatment.


David Johnston (Old Bassett Residents' Association) and Adi Puplampu Toldfield Architects (agent) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting. Additional correspondence from the Old Bassett Residents’ Association was also circulated to Members in written format prior to the meeting and published online.


The presenting officer reported that an additional condition was proposed, in order to secure a time period for installation of the new fencing proposed.


The Panel then considered the recommendation to grant conditional planning permission. Upon being put to the vote the recommendation was carried.




FOR:  Councillors Coombs, Magee, Prior, Payne, Shields and Windle.

ABSTAIN:  Councillor Blatchford


RESOLVEDthat planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out within the report and any additional or amended conditions set out below:


2. Additional Condition (By Officer)


3) Full Permission Timing (Performance)


The additional fencing hereby permitted shall begin no later than three years from the date on which this planning permission was granted.


Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).



22/00531/FUL 59 Burgess Road pdf icon PDF 400 KB

Report of the Head of Green City & Infrastructure recommending that conditional authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address, attached.


Additional documents:


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Green City and Infrastructure recommending that conditional approval be given in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


Erection of a part single storey, part first floor rear extension with roof alterations to facilitate loft conversion (amendments to LPA ref: 19/01530/FUL).


David Johnston (Old Bassett Residents' Association) and Adi Puplampu

Toldfield Architects (agent) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The presenting officer reported that there were no changes to the conditions or recommendations of the report.


The Panel then considered the recommendation to grant conditional planning permission. Upon being put to the vote the recommendation was carried unanimously.


RESOLVEDthat planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out within the report.



22/00668/FUL 5 Cotswold Road pdf icon PDF 259 KB

Report of the Head of Green City & Infrastructure recommending that conditional authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address, attached.


Additional documents:


Report of the Head of Green City & Infrastructure recommending that conditional approval be given in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


Erection of a single storey rear extension (Retrospective).


Mr Zubka (local resident objecting), Kernan Charles (agent), and Councillor Cllr David Furnell (ward councillor objecting) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


During the debate Cllrs Blatchford and Coombs noted that the alleged damage to the neighbouring property was not a material consideration for the Panel.


The Panel then considered the recommendation to grant conditional planning permission. Upon being put to the vote the recommendation was carried.



FOR:  Councillors Coombs, Blatchford, Magee, Payne, Prior, Windle

AGAINST:  Councillor Shields


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out within the report.



22/00340/FUL 1 Gainsford Road pdf icon PDF 333 KB

Report of the Head of Green City & Infrastructure recommending that conditional authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address, attached.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Green City and Infrastructure recommending that conditional planning permission be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


Erection of a log cabin in rear garden (Retrospective).


Tim Young (local resident objecting), Miss Cheryl Strugnell (applicant),  Christopher Carr (supporter) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting. In addition, a report was received from Lloyd Jones MRTPI, Director, LJR Planning, which was circulated to the Panel prior to the meeting and published online.


During the debate, officers recommended to vary condition 4 to that as set out below to ensure that together the fencing and/or screening would be 2.3 metres high.


The Panel then considered the recommendation to grant conditional planning permission. Upon being put to the vote the recommendation was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out within the report and the amended condition set out below:


04. Screening


Within one month from the date of this permission, fencing/privacy screening totalling a height of 2.3m shall be provided between the boundary with No.1a and No.1 over the first two fence panels nearest the properties. Once installed, the fencing / privacy screen shall thereafter be retained and maintained as such at all times.


REASON: In order to protect neighbour amenity from loss of privacy and overlooking.