Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre
Contact: Judy Cordell 023 8083 2430
No. | Item |
Court Leet Presentments 2015 Report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services detailing the presentments accepted at Court Leet, any action taken to date and Cabinet Members and officers identified to lead on the response and any future action, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: DECISION MADE: (CAB 15/16 15815)
On consideration of the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, Cabinet agreed the following:
(i) That the initial officer responses to the Presentments approved by the Court Leet Jury as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be noted; and (ii) That individual Cabinet Members ensure responses are made to Presenters regarding presentments within their portfolios as appropriate and as soon as practically possible. |
Southampton Fairness Commission Report and Recommendations Report of the Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Leisure outlining the findings and recommendations of the Southampton Fairness Commission, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: DECISION MADE: (CAB 15/16 15924)
On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Leisure and having received representations from the Deputy Chairman of the Southampton Fairness Commission, Cabinet agreed to support the recommendations of the Southampton Fairness Commission and commits the City Council to work with Southampton Connect and other partners to implement them.
Cabinet also expressed their thanks and appreciation to the work undertaken by Sara Crawford, Improvement Manager in supporting the Commission. |
Report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainability seeking approval to develop two adjacent sites; Woodside Lodge, Wimpson Lane and 536 – 550 Wimpson Lane, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: DECISION MADE: (CAB 15/16 15382)
On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainability and having received representations from a Member of the Council, Cabinet agreed the following:
(i) to note the prior consultation which has taken place in relation to Woodside Lodge and 536-550 Wimpson Lane; (ii) to recommend the Council approve in principle to develop two adjacent sites; Woodside Lodge and 536-550 Wimpson Lane which initiates the regeneration of Millbrook and Maybush; (iii) to delegate authority to the Head of Property to vary the lease held between the Council and Scottish & Southern Energy to release a strip of land in front of the sub-station at Woodside Lodge following consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, Head of Development, Economy and Housing Renewal and the Chief Financial Officer; (iv) to approve, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, capital expenditure of £500,000 in 2015-16, funded from an existing unapproved scheme within the New Build section of the HRA Capital Programme for the Provision of Social Housing. The £500,000 will cover the costs of the architects, percentage of First Wessex development agent fee; necessary surveys; consultant fees etc. to planning submission stage for the redevelopment of Woodside Lodge and 536 – 550 Wimpson Lane; (v) to delegate authority to enter into a Development Agent Agreement in relation to the redevelopment of Woodside Lodge and 536 – 550 Wimpson Lane with First Wessex Housing Group, part of the Wayfarer Consortium, to the Director of Place, following consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, Head of Development, Economy and Housing Renewal, Head of Housing Services and the Chief Financial Officer; (vi) to delegate authority to enter into a build contract for the redevelopment of Woodside Lodge and 536 – 550 Wimpson Lane with a contractor engaged via First Wessex using Wayfarer’s OJEU compliant frameworks to the Director of Place following consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, Head of Development, Economy and Housing Renewal, Head of Housing Services and the Chief Financial Officer for pre-construction stage works; and (vii) to approve a grant of £598,000 to Aster for an affordable housing scheme at the former Bush Inn, Wimpson Lane, funded from retained Right To Buy (RTB) capital receipts, and to approve capital expenditure of £598,000, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules. |
Customer Strategy 2015-2018 Report of the Leader of the Council seeking approval for the Customer Strategy 2015-2018, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: DECISION MADE: (CAB 15/16 16010)
On consideration of the report of the Leader of the Council, Cabinet agreed to approve the Customer Strategy 2015-2018. |
The General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme Update 2015/16 to 2018/19 Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance informing Cabinet of any major changes in the overall Capital Programme, identifying how the revised programme has been financed and identify priorities in line with the Capital Strategy, attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: DECISION MADE: (CAB 15/16 15903)
On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Finance, Cabinet agreed to recommend that full Council:
(i) Approve the revised General Fund Capital Programme, which totals £77.93M (as detailed in paragraph 4) and the associated use of resources. (ii) Note that the revised General Fund Capital Programme is based on prudent assumptions of future Government Grants to be received. (iii) Note the changes to the programme as summarised in Appendix 2 and described in detail in Appendix 3. (iv) Note the slippage and re-phasing as described in detail in Appendix 3. (v) Approve the revised Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Capital Programme, which totals £202.49M (as detailed in Appendix 4) and the associated use of resources. (vi) Note that the level of Direct Revenue Financing available to fund the HRA Capital Programme will need to be reviewed, in the light of Government proposals to reduce social rents over the next 4 years, and this may result in a reduction in planned capital expenditure when an updated programme is presented to Council in February 2016. |
General Fund Revenue Budget 2016/17 to 2018/19 Report of the Chief Financial Officer setting out the General Fund Revenue Budget proposals for Consultation for 2016/17 to 2018/19, attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: DECISION MADE: (CAB 15/16 15899)
On consideration of the report of Cabinet Member for Finance, Cabinet agreed the following:
(i) Note the consultation on the Executive’s draft budget proposals will commence on 19 November and note the consultation proposals and methodology set out in paragraphs 95 to 102 and Appendix 1 of this report. (ii) Note the high level forecast for the General Fund for 2016/17 onwards contained in paragraph 20. (iii) Note the pressures which have been included in the forecast which are set out in paragraphs 29 to 37. (iv) Note the Executive’s initial savings proposals put forward for consultation in Appendix 2 which amount to £13.0M. (v) Note that the Executive’s initial savings set out in Appendix 2 propose the deletion of 182.82 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) posts, of which 31.01FTE are vacant, leaving 151.81FTE at risk of redundancy or TUPE transfer. (vi) Note that the Executive’s budget proposals for consultation are based on the assumption that they will recommend a Council Tax increase of 1.99% to Full Council. (vii) Note the Medium Term Financial Strategy Model for 2016/17 to 2019/20 contained in paragraph 22. (viii) Approve the updated budget setting timetable contained in paragraph 103. (ix) Note that work is in train to deliver significant service transformation across the Council, which will continue to aid the formulation of proposals for future service provision to support the Council’s medium term budget position. (x) To approve the establishment of a Social Enterprise Fund as per paragraph 72. (xi) To note the reserves and balances position set out in paragraphs 73 to 76, including the School Balances Position Statement set out in Appendix 3. (xii) Delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, to do anything necessary to give effect to the proposals contained in this report. |
Housing Revenue Account Revenue Budget 2016/17 to 2018/19 Report of the Chief Financial Officer setting out the Housing Revenue Account revenue budget proposals for consultation for 2016/17 to 2018/19, attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: DECISION MADE: (CAB 15/16 15919)
On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainability, Cabinet agreed the following:
(i) To note the formal staff consultation on the Executive’s draft budget proposals commenced on 9 November 2015 and public consultation will commence on 18 November 2015 and note the consultation proposals and methodology set out in paragraphs 4 to 10 of this report. (ii) To note the high level forecast for the HRA for 2016/17 and the underlying assumptions contained in the report. (iii) To note the Executive’s initial savings proposals put forward for consultation in Appendix 1 which amount to £4.311M in 2016/17 and £4.439M in subsequent years. (iv) To note that the Executive’s initial savings set out in Appendix 1 propose the deletion of 94.8 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) posts, of which 57.2 FTE are vacant, leaving 37.6 FTE at risk of redundancy or TUPE transfer. (v) To note that the Executive’s budget proposals for consultation are based on the assumption that they will recommend a rent decrease of 1% to Full Council in line with Government policy. (vi) To delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and the Head of Housing Services following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainability, to do anything necessary to give effect to the proposals contained in this report. |