Issue - decisions

*Rebuild of Erskine Court, Lordshill

16/04/2013 - *Rebuild of Erskine Court, Lordshill

(i)  To note that extensive prior consultation has taken place in relation to the rebuild proposals with residents however the proposed changes to previously discussed decant arrangements necessitates a further period of consultation under the Housing Act 1985. Therefore it is proposed to delegate authority to the Interim Director of Environment & Economy to:

a.  Carry out all necessary consultation on the revised decant arrangements under the Housing Act 1985, section 105.

b.  Determine the final decant arrangements following consideration of any representations received pursuant to 1(i) above taking into account the need to sensitively decant the remaining residents having regard to their individual circumstances and housing needs

(ii)  Subject to the satisfactory completion of the Housing Act 1985 consultation referred to in 91) above and subject to obtaining Care and Specialist Supported Housing (CASSH) Grant of £2,7000,000 from the Homes and Communities Agency

a.  To recommend that Council approve acceptance of the CASSH grant to part fund the rebuild of Erskine Court.

b.  To recommend that Council approve, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, the addition of £9,800,000 to the HRA Capital Programme for the rebuild of Erskine Court funded by the CASSH grant, any available capital receipts and the balance from additional borrowing within the HRA Business Plan.

c.  To recommend that Council approve, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, expenditure of £1,000,000 in 2013/14, £5,200,000 in 2014/15, and £3,600,000 in 2015/16  on the rebuild of Erskine Court.

d.  To delegate authority to serve Initial Demolition Notices on secure tenants under the provisions of the Housing Act 1985, to the Director of Environment and Economy following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Leisure, the Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services and the Head of Finance and IT (CFO).

e.  To implement the Council’s adopted Decant Policy, including the award  of additional Housing register  points, for the remaining residents who are required to move as a result of the rebuild.

f.  To delegate authority to enter into a Development Agent agreement with First Wessex Housing Group, part of the Wayfarer Consortium, to the Director of Environment and Economy, following consultation with the Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services, Head of Property and Procurement and the Head of Finance and IT (CFO).

g.  To delegate authority to enter into a build contract with a contractor engaged via First Wessex using their OJEU compliant framework to the Director of Environment and Economy following consultation with the Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services, Head of Property and Procurement and the Head of Finance and IT (CFO)