Issue - decisions

National Bus Strategy

15/06/2021 - National Bus Strategy

Having complied with paragraph 15 of the Council’s Access to Information Procedure Rules, Cabinet agreed the following:-


(i)  To Note the outline and aspirations of the National Bus Strategy and how it aligns and supports the Council’s current transport strategy (Connected Southampton 2040) and delivery programmes (Transforming Cities Fund & Future Transport Zone).

(ii)  To approve the development of the Enhanced Partnership as the most appropriate statutory route for buses in Southampton; to delegate authority to the Executive Director Place to publish a of Notice of Intent as required in section 138F of Transport Act 2000 by 30th June 2021, and to develop the subsequent Bus Services Improvement Plan.

(iii)  To delegate authority to the Executive Director Place, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Growth, to negotiate, develop and finalise the specific content of the agreements for the Enhanced Partnership Plan and Scheme, and the Bus Service Improvement Plan, subject to complying with the statutory preparation, notice and consultation on both.