Issue - decisions

Southampton Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)

18/10/2021 - Southampton Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)

(i)  To approve the draft Southampton Bus Service Improvement Plan as required by the National Bus Strategy for publication and submission to the Department for Transport, and delegate authority to the Executive Director Place to make any necessary changes to the draft BSIP before submission, undertake consultation on the Enhanced Partnership, and carry out the annual BSIP review following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Growth.

(ii)  To approve the temporary change to the Southampton Concessionary Fare scheme to offer a local discretionary enhancement under Localism Act 2011 Section 1 to financially support the bus operator commercial offer for the £1 Evening Bus Fare and to extend the current Concessionary Fare eligibility categories in relation to this discretionary element of the Scheme only, this will apply until 31st March 2022.

(iii)  To delegate authority to the Executive Director Place, following consultation with the Cabinet Members for Growth and Finance to determine the mechanism to administer the Evening Fares support under the Concessionary Fares reimbursement provisions.