Issue - decisions

Outdoor Sports Centre - Redevelopment

07/02/2022 - Outdoor Sports Centre - Redevelopment

(i)  To note the outcomes from the OSC Public Consultation, see Appendices 1 and 2.

(ii)  To agree the draft Masterplan of Improvements outlined in the Public Consultation as the scope of works.

(iii)  To agree way forward on the project and the outline timescales. See paragraph 24, heading titled ‘Key Milestones’.

(iv)  To delegate authority to the Exec Director Place, following consultation with the Exec. Director Finance and Commercialism and the Head of Supplier Management to approve to undertake a procurement process in order to appoint a contractor for the main works and establish the costs of the construction works to deliver the OSC improvement plan. This is sought for a procurement process prior to the final sign off at full council expected in the summer on the full scheme and its detailed costs.

(v)  To approve a further report to be brought forward to full Council for financial consideration.

(vi)  To delegate authority to the Head of Property to take all necessary actions required to progress the proposals in this report within existing budgets.