
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Customer Strategy 2015-2018 ref: 83918/11/201526/11/2015Call-in expired
Southampton Fairness Commission Report and Recommendations ref: 83718/11/201526/11/2015Call-in expired
Housing Revenue Account Revenue Budget 2016/17 to 2018/19 ref: 84218/11/201526/11/2015Call-in expired
The General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme Update 2015/16 to 2018/19 ref: 84018/11/201526/11/2015Call-in expired
General Fund Revenue Budget 2016/17 to 2018/19 ref: 84118/11/201526/11/2015Call-in expired
Court Leet Presentments 2015 ref: 83618/11/201526/11/2015Call-in expired
Estate Regeneration in Millbrook and Maybush – Development of Housing Scheme and Grant Funding for Affordable Housing Scheme ref: 83818/11/201526/11/2015Call-in expired
Independent Review of the Award of the ROM and CCTV Contract ref: 60711/04/201311/04/2013Not for call-in