Issue details

Domiciliary Care Re-Commissioning

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, seeking approval for Southampton City Council and the Southampton City Clinical Commissioning Group to work together to recommission the Adult Domiciliary Care framework across the City in 2014.
The domiciliary care market within Southampton currently provides care for approximately 1,810 people in any given week. It accounts for a £18.07 million spend and there are currently up to 75 providers working in the city and delivering care packages.
Due to its size and importance in terms of meeting service user needs and enabling the city to meet its strategic requirements, it is essential that domiciliary care provision achieves high standards of delivery, quality and value for money.
Recommissioning these services supports three main outcomes:
•To improve quality within domiciliary care services
•To ensure the best value available within the market
•To ensure services are able to respond to changing needs and demands.

SCC wish to commission external provision to deliver additional activity that is required due to increasing needs within the city.

The increasing demographic changes and the emphasis on recovery and prevention within the city’s transformational change programme, requires the option to potentially award reablement services to external providers, should it be identified that meeting demand and improving outcomes will be more effectively achieved through this arrangement.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/11/2013

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  -

Decision due: 17 Dec 2013 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member For Health and Adult Social Care

Lead director: Joint Associate Director CCG

Department: Health and Adult Social Care Portfolio

Contact: Kate Dench, Joint Commissioning Manager for Learning Disability Email: Tel: 023 8083 4787.

Consultation process

Meetings including provider forums, service user forums/drop in sessions, staff briefings, newsletters (including easy read versions), letters, e-mails, an internet microsite and access to advocacy services. A full communications plan has been developed.


Staff, service users, family/carers, commissioners and Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care.

Public Comments may be sent to: Kate Dench, Learning Disabilities Joint Commissioning Manager, 02380 83 4787


Agenda items


  • Domiciliary Care Re-Commissioning