Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 15th September, 2010 2.01 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre

Contact: Sandra Coltman 023 8083 2430 

Note: To follow the Special Council Meeting 

No. Item



To receive any apologies.


Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Mrs Damani and Vinson.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 142 KB

To authorise the signing of the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 14th July 2010, attached.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 14th July, 2010 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Announcements from the Mayor and Leader

Matters especially brought forward by the Mayor and the Leader.


1. Retirement of Chief Executive


The Mayor announced that Brad Roynon, one of the longest serving local authority chief executives in the country, would be retiring in November ending a career which had included a 22 year span as chief executive of three local authorities.  He became Chief Executive of Southampton City Council in 2001, and under his guidance, the Council and its partners had made significant strides together in both the quality and ambition of the services provided for the City.


The Mayor outlined the various outstanding contributions made to the Council and the City and on behalf of Members, presented him with a gift in recognition of his achievements.


2. Southampton’s Youth Parliament MP


The Mayor welcomed Nathan Stafford-King, Southampton’s Youth Parliament MP, who was attending a Council meeting for the first time to learn more about how the Council works.


3. Local Democracy Week


The Mayor announced that Democratic Services would again be arranging the "Get Involved Event" aimed at encouraging people to become more involved and find out more about what services the Council has to offer. The event would be held in and around the Central Library on Tuesday 12th October between 5 – 8pm and would be open to anyone in the city to attend.


Deputations, Petitions and Public Questions

To receive any requests for Deputations, Presentation of Petitions or Public Questions.


The Council received a deputation together with a petition from Phil Woods and Bob Cole, concerning the closure of Millbrook and Thornhill libraries and the use of volunteers.



Executive Business pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council, attached.

Additional documents:


The report of the Leader of the Council was submitted, setting out the details of the business undertaken by the Executive (copy of report circulated with the agenda and appended to signed minutes).


The Leader and the Cabinet made statements and responded to Questions.


The following questions were then submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.1:-


  1. Sea City Museum


Question from Councillor Burke to Councillor Hannides

What progress has been made in securing all of the funding for the Sea City Project?



Southampton Cultural Development Trust has been formed as a Company limited by Guarantee and is awaiting charitable registration following an application to the Charity Commission. The Trust has developed an action plan to secure funding from a targeted list of potential supporters, individuals, Trusts, Foundations and other organisations. Directors of the Trust have an action plan to initiate approaches. Positive responses have been forthcoming and discussions continue. I remain confident in the fundraising target.


The funding agreement with the Heritage Lottery Fund has been signed to secure the £5m contribution.


  1. Shredded Paper


Question from  Councillor Drake to Councillor Dean


Although shredded paper is currently not being recycled in Southampton, what is being done to find ways to re-use shredded paper and consequently increase the city's recycling rates?



Advice is provided to residents using the Council’s City View magazine via tips on how to reduce the amount of waste they generate and also at events around the City attended by waste personnel.

The main advice with confidential papers given to residents to increase the cities recycling rate is to only shred the parts of documents that are confidential, which in a lot of cases is only part of the document, the rest could be safely recycled in the blue lidded recycling bin.

However some documents will always need to be shredded and the following advice is given:

·  Shredded paper can be placed into home composters; information is available on the Council’s web site on subsidised home composters.

·  It can be used as bedding for pets; staples and other non paper items should be removed, prior to shredding.

·  Any shredded paper that residents do place in the green residual waste bin is sent to the Marchwood Incinerator where it is burnt to recover energy.


  1. Empty Dwelling Management Orders


Question from Councillor Drake to Councillor Baillie


How many dwellings in Southampton have currently been empty for a year or more and on how many occasions has the Council applied Empty Dwelling Management Orders?




There are around 600 dwellings in the City which have been vacant for a year or more.


No Empty Dwelling Management Orders (EDMOs) have been formally initiated to date. 


  1. Parkville Road


Question from Councillor Turner to Councillor Moulton


Could the Cabinet Member for the Resources and Workforce Planning clarify what development is planned for Parkville Road? The area in question at present contains a car park, local housing office and a youth centre?




The proposed purchaser entered into a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46.



A.  Councillor R Williams to move:


Southampton City Council is committed to supporting the Electoral Registration Officer in discharging his legal duty to maintain a register of electors. The electoral register is the foundation stone of our democracy and we have a duty to ensure that it is both accurate and complete - helping to empower citizens and increase public engagement in the democratic process.

This Council will continue to fully support the Electoral Registration Officer in making every effort to ensure that the 2010 electoral register in Southampton City Council is as complete and accurate as possible, so as to provide a proper basis for any revision to electoral boundaries. In addition this Council notes that the Electoral Commission currently believe that approx 3.5 million people are missing for register in England and Wales alone and that this trend is especially stark amongst many specific social groups.

Full Council therefore :

1) supports the Electoral Registration Officer and his staff in continuing to conduct door-to-door inquiries at all households where no-one responds to a letter requiring registration, with at least two personal calls on all non-responding households;

2) resolves that an effective advertising campaign is launched now to encourage people to register, targeted at social groups among whom under-registration is known to be a problem and targeted at residents in those neighbourhoods where the electoral register is believed to have the lowest levels of completeness; and

3) requests that the Chief Executive ensures a joined-up approach across all parts of the Council working alongside the Electoral Registration Officer to encourage residents to register to vote


B.  Councillor Slade to move:


Council welcomes the announcement of the Coalition Government that Local Authorities are to have the freedom to sell energy to the National Grid.


Council notes:

  1. Micro-generation of electricity is a proven technique and has already benefited businesses and communities across the UK.
  2. Environmentally-friendly energy production methods such as solar and wind power have been trialled successfully on this scale.
  3. Southampton has many resources that are ideal for harnessing micro-generation technologies.
  4. By adding to our portfolio of green infrastructure, the Council could enhance the city’s green credentials.
  5. The scale of micro-generation technologies means that they can be rolled out gradually over time, rather than having to rely on large up-front investment.





Council believes that:

  1. Micro-generation would allow the council to generate its own power, and potentially sell surplus back to the National Grid, thereby saving money.
  2. Profits generated can be reinvested in environmental schemes, including further roll-out of the technologies.


Council therefore calls for:

  1. The installation of appropriate micro-generation technologies in all civic buildings where possible.
  2. Subsidising the cost of installing appropriate micro-generation technologies to communities that wish to take advantage of these technologies.


C.  Councillor Burke to move:


Southampton City Council calls on the Executive to drop its current proposals to use volunteer staff in the library service in place of members of staff.



(a) Register of Electors.


Councillor Dr R Williams moved and Councillor Barnes-Andrews seconded:


“Southampton City Council is committed to supporting the Electoral Registration Officer in discharging his legal duty to maintain a register of electors. The electoral register is the foundation stone of our democracy and we have a duty to ensure that it is both accurate and complete - helping to empower citizens and increase public engagement in the democratic process.

This Council will continue to fully support the Electoral Registration Officer in making every effort to ensure that the 2010 electoral register in Southampton City Council is as complete and accurate as possible, so as to provide a proper basis for any revision to electoral boundaries. In addition this Council notes that the Electoral Commission currently believe that approx 3.5 million people are missing for register in England and Wales alone and that this trend is especially stark amongst many specific social groups.

Full Council therefore :

1) supports the Electoral Registration Officer and his staff in continuing to conduct door-to-door inquiries at all households where no-one responds to a letter requiring registration, with at least two personal calls on all non-responding households;

2) resolves that an effective advertising campaign is launched now to encourage people to register, targeted at social groups among whom under-registration is known to be a problem and targeted at residents in those neighbourhoods where the electoral register is believed to have the lowest levels of completeness; and

3) requests that the Chief Executive ensures a joined-up approach across all parts of the Council working alongside the Electoral Registration Officer to encourage residents to register to vote”


Amendment moved by Councillor Dick and seconded by Councillor Mead:




In the second paragraph, 4th line, after the words “electoral boundaries” start a new paragraph.


In the second paragraph, 4th line, after the words “In addition this Council notes that” add the words “after 13 years of a labour government”


At the end of the second paragraph add the sentence, “The Council supports the move by government to an equalisation of constituencies.”


In the third paragraph, bullet point (1), second line, delete all the words after “inquiries at all households”


In the third paragraph, bullet point (2), first line, delete the words “effective campaign”


In the third paragraph, bullet point (2), first line, delete the word “now”


In the third paragraph, bullet point (2), first line, after the words “people to register” delete the rest of the sentence




“Southampton City Council is committed to supporting the Electoral Registration Officer in discharging his legal duty to maintain a register of electors. The electoral register is the foundation stone of our democracy and we have a duty to ensure that it is both accurate and complete - helping to empower citizens and increase public engagement in the democratic process.


This Council will continue to fully support the Electoral Registration Officer in making every effort to ensure that the 2010 electoral register in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47.


Questions from Members to the Chairs of Committees or the Mayor

To consider any question of which notice has been given under Council Procedure Rule 11.2.


The following question was submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.2:-


Planning Administration


Question from Councillor Slade to Councillor Fitzhenry


Does the Chair of Planning and Rights of Way accept responsibility for the serious administration error that resulted in several agenda items having to be deferred at the last Panel meeting and an extra meeting having to be called to deal with them?




I held a meeting on 7th September with our Business Support team to determine what went wrong.  The Uniform computer system was not copying across all those who had commented on a planning application from one part of the computer system to the part that generates the list of those who should be sent letters. As a result some letters were not sent out. The issue has been logged with the company who supply the computer system and they will rectify the fault.


In the meantime, the computer system will be manually double-checked by the Business Support team to make sure no-one is missed out. I have also asked that a letter of apology is sent out to all those affected.


I apologise on behalf of the Officers for the problems at Panel which I know gave a bad impression of the Council to our customers. Everything possible has been done to avoid recurrence.


I trust that explains what went wrong and that we have procedures in place to ensure the problem is not repeated.


Appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees and Other Bodies

To deal with any appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees or other bodies as required.


The following changes to the appointments to Committee and Sub-Committee membership were noted:


(a)  Councillor Walker had replaced Councillor Baillie on the Licensing Committee;

(b)  Councillor Osmond had replaced Councillor Fitzgerald on the Licensing General Sub-Committee;

(c)  Councillor Harris had replaced Councillor Baillie on the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee and;

(d)  Emily Fletcher, Assistant Diocesan Director of Education had been appointed as the Church of England Diocese of Portsmouth’s representative on the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee.

(e)  Councillor Kolker had replaced Councillor Baillie on Employment and Appeals.


New models of Governance for the Council's Executive and Electoral Cycle arrangements pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Report of the Solicitor of the Council seeking consideration of the results of consultation in respect of changes to the Council’s Executive governance arrangements and to determine which of the options should be adopted, attached.

Additional documents:


The report of the Solicitor of the Council was submitted seeking consideration of the results of consultation in respect of changes to the Council’s Executive governance arrangements and to determine which of the options should be adopted (copy of report circulated with agenda and appended to signed minutes).


On the advice of the Solicitor to the Council and with the consent of the meeting, the following motion was moved:


That the Council accept the recommendations of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Working Group to retain the current Leader and Cabinet Model”.




Following the adoption of the Leader and Cabinet Model, the Council considered nominations for the election of the Leader:


The nomination of Councillor Smith was moved and seconded.




Following his election as Leader, Councillor Smith informed the Council that there would be no changes to the Cabinet and their portfolio responsibilities.


The Leader informed the Council that in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act, Councillor Moulton would be appointed as Deputy Leader.




(i)  That the Council, having considered the results of consultation in respect of changes to the Council’s Executive governance arrangements, the Cabinet and Leader model be adopted;

(ii)  That the Solicitor to the Council be granted delegated authority to make the above proposals available for public inspection and publish details in one or more newspapers; 

(iii)  That the Solicitor to the Council be granted delegated authority to finalise the arrangements as approved by Full Council and make any further consequential or minor changes arising from the decision of Full Council;

(iv)  That the Solicitor to the Council be granted delegated authority to amend the  City Council’s Constitution to reflect the changes approved by Full Council; and

(v)  That Councillor Smith be elected as Leader of the Council for the remainder of the municipal year.


The General Fund Capital Programme 2009/10 - 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Resources and Workforce Planning updating Council on any major changes in the overall General Fund Capital Programme since it was last reported on 17th February 2010, attached.


Additional documents:


The report of the Cabinet Member for Resources and Workforce Planning updating Council was submitted concerning any major changes in the overall General Fund Capital Programme since it was last reported on 17th February 2010 (copy of report circulated with agenda and appended to signed minutes).




(i)  that the revised General Fund Capital Programme (which totals £257.4M as detailed in paragraph 4 of the report) and use of resources be approved;

(ii)  that the over programming of £10.5M as detailed in paragraph 11 of the report, which is within the previously approved tolerances, be approved;

(iii)  that £1.5M be added to the Leisure, Culture & Heritage capital programme for the SNAC scheme to be funded by the additional grant recently awarded to the Council;

(iv)  that £71,000 be added to the Leader’s capital programme in 2010/11 for feasibility studies and programme management to be funded from corporate resources;

(v)  that the revised Prudential Indicators, reflecting the updated capital programme, as detailed in Appendix 4 of the report be approved; and

(vi)  that it be noted that the revised General Fund Capital Programme is based on prudent assumptions of future Government Grants to be received, due to the uncertainty surrounding the Comprehensive Spending Review for 2011/12 and future years.


Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme 2010/11-2012/13 pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Housing, updating the Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme approved by Council in February 2010, attached.


Additional documents:


The report of the Cabinet Member for Housing was submitted, updating the Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme approved by Council in February 2010 (copy of report circulated with the agenda and appended to signed minutes).




(i)  that the revised Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Capital Programme set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved;

(ii) that the use of resources to fund the HRA Capital Programme as shown in Appendix 3 to the report be approved, including the use of unsupported (prudential) borrowing in total of £11.706M, for the following purposes:

·  £2.150M to support the overall programme (unchanged from the report in July 2010)

·  £2.230M to fund the Digital TV proposals

·  £3.356M to fund approximately 50% of the New Build schemes added to the capital programme

·  £0.870M to fund the estate regeneration programme pending the receipt of the capital receipts from the sale of the sites

·  £3.1M of short term borrowing to sustain the programme in 2010/11



Wessex Youth Offending Team (YOT) Annual Youth Justice Plan 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and Learning seeking approval of the Wessex Youth Offending Team Annual Youth Justice Plan 2010/11 as part of the Council’s Policy Framework, attached.


Additional documents:


The report of the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and Learning was submitted, seeking approval of the Wessex Youth Offending Team Annual Youth Justice Plan 2010/11 as part of the Council’s Policy Framework (copy of report circulated with the agenda and appended to signed minutes).


RESOLVED thatthe Wessex Youth Justice Plan 2010/11 be approved as part of the Council’s Policy Framework.