Decision details

Establishment of an in house Edge of Care Service

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider te report of the Cabinet Member for Children's Social Care seeking approval to establish an Edge of Care Service in house identified as a key transformation driver in reducing the numbers of children coming into care in the city and reducing the significant cost pressure to the Council. The new service will aim to reduce the need for children and young people to be looked after, by either working with families to keep children safely at home or by keeping care placements short and reuniting children and young people with their families as soon as possible.
This proposal supersedes a previous proposal to commission an Edge of Care service from an external provider using a Social Impact Bond (SIB) model which was developed as part of the Big Lottery’s Commissioning for Better Outcomes Programme. A procurement for this service failed to yield a bid capable of delivering the service to the quality required and so officers have reviewed the options available to the Council for establishing this service.
Further to detailed work up and appraisal of the options, developing this service in house is believed to be the optimum and most cost effective way of achieving the outcomes required. Full details of this proposal and option appraisal will be included in the Cabinet report.


(i)  To approve the establishment of an in house Edge of Care Service.


(ii)  To note that the cost of this service will be met from existing revenue budgets and expenditure of £173,265 in 17/18 rising to £460k in 2021/22 to deliver the service in house.

Reasons for the decision:

1.  An Edge of Care Service has been identified as a key transformation driver in reducing the numbers of children coming into care in the city and reducing the significant cost pressure to the Council. 

2.  In October 2016, a proposal was approved by Cabinet to procure an Edge of Care Service from the market using a Social Impact Bond (SIB) model with outcome payments subsidised by a Big Lottery Grant.  This procurement failed to deliver a bid capable of achieving the outcomes required.

3.  Further to a review of the options and consideration of other developments within children's services since the previous proposal, the establishment of an in house Edge of Care Service has been found to be the best option, on the basis that it builds on internal provision within the Children's Resource Service, thereby offering a more cost effective, flexible and integrated solution.

4.  Since the original proposal, significant work has been undertaken to transform Children and Families Services.  This has included the development of a strengths based approach to working with children and families, strong management oversight, transformation of the front door, embedding of restorative practice principles and a much stronger focus on permanency planning, as evidenced by higher numbers of adoptions and use of special guardianship orders (SGOs) over the last 8 months.  This has already achieved noticeable reductions in numbers looked after and demonstrates that the Council now has the specialism and expertise to develop this service in house. 

5.  Furthermore, the financial modelling for the in house option projects a lower cost and lesser financial pressures which will result in a much greater cost avoidance in subsequent years than would be achieved through using an external provider. 

Alternative options considered:

To commission the service from an external provider in line with the original proposal.  This option has now been rejected on the basis that it offers a lower financial return and is considered less capable of achieving the outcomes required.  This is covered in more detail in Sections 11 and 12.

Report author: Andrew Gittins

Publication date: 15/08/2017

Date of decision: 15/08/2017

Decided at meeting: 15/08/2017 - Cabinet

Effective from: 24/08/2017

Accompanying Documents: