Issue - meetings

Update on Progress - Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

Meeting: 26/10/2017 - Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Item 14)

14 Update on Progress - Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Report of the Interim Chief Executive, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, providing the Panel with an update on progress at the Trust.

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The Panel considered the report of the Interim Chief Executive, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust


Julie Dawes (Interim Chief Executive), Tom Westbury (Head of Communications: Business Partnering) of the Southern Health Trust, John Richards (Chief Executor Officer NHS Southampton City CCG), Stephanie Ramsey (Director of Quality and Integration) and Rob Kurn (Healthwatch Southampton Manager) were in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The Panel discussed a number of matters including:

·  the progress made by the Trust against the recommendations made by the CQC;

·  the recent appointment of a new Chair, Chief Executive and Non-Executive Members;

·  the Crisis Lounge pilot in Southampton – Members were briefed on the role of the service, the referral process and availability to residents within Southampton;

·  the broad range of support for women with post-natal depression within the region;

·  the lessons learnt from the intense period of scrutiny following the publication of the Mazars report and the subsequent CQC inspections.  The Panel noted that the Trust had acted to engage both its workforce and its clients in developing an open processes that sought to address issues as, or before, they occurred; and

·  that workforce planning had been identified as a risk for the Trust as it reflected the high levels of staff turnover.

In addition the representatives of NHS Southampton City CCG and Healthwatch Southampton addressed the Panel confirming that the Trust’s view of itself was realistic and reflected the current situation.


RESOLVED that the Panel noted the ongoing improvements of the Southern Health Trust and that the Panel would continue to review the Trust’s progress.