Issue - meetings

The General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Capital Strategy and Programme 2017/18 TO 2021/22

Meeting: 13/02/2018 - Cabinet (Item 47)


Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance updating the Capital Strategy and to inform Council of any major changes in the overall General Fund and HRA Capital Programme for the period of 2017/18 to 2021/22, highlighting the changes in the programme since the last reported position to Cabinet in November 2017.

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE:  (CAB 17/18  20157)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Finance, Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  Notes the revised General Fund Capital Programme, which totals £194.43M (as detailed in paragraph 77) and the associated use of resources.

(ii)  Notes the revised Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Capital Programme, which totals £216.89M (as detailed in paragraph 77) and the associated use of resources.

(iii)  Notes that £1.21M has been added to the programme, with approval to spend, either under delegated powers or by Cabinet subject to the relevant financial limits. These additions are detailed in paragraph 7 and Appendix 1.

(iv)  Notes the addition of £0.25M to the Communities, Culture & Leisure programme and the request for approval to spend £0.25M as detailed in paragraphs 9 - 10 and Appendix 1.

(v)  Notes the addition of £67.45M to the Education & Children’s Social Care programme and the request for approval to spend £67.45M as detailed in paragraph 11 and Appendix 1.

(vi)  Notes the virement of £1.53M within the Education & Childrens Social Care programme as detailed in paragraph 11 and Appendix 1.

(vii)  Notes the addition of £0.16M to the E&T – City Services programme and the request for approval to spend £0.16M as detailed in paragraph 12 and Appendix 1.

(viii)  Notes the addition of £1.20M to the Finance programme and the request for approval to spend £1.20M as detailed in paragraph 13 and Appendix 1.

(ix)  Notes the reduction of £1.50M to the Housing & Adult Social Care programme as detailed in paragraph 14 and Appendix 1.

(x)  Notes the addition of £0.09M to the Leaders programme and the request for approval to spend £0.09M as detailed in paragraph 15 and Appendix 1.

(xi)  Notes the virement of £7.13M within the Leaders programme as detailed in paragraph 16 and Appendix 1.

(xii)  Notes the reduction of £20.10M to the Leaders programme as detailed in paragraphs 17 – 18 and Appendix 1.

(xiii)  Notes the addition of £11.97M to the Transport – E&T programme and the request for approval to spend £11.97M as detailed in paragraphs 19 - 21 and Appendix 1.

(xiv)  Notes the addition of £34.01M to the HRA programme and the request for approval to spend £34.01M as detailed in paragraphs 22 - 26 and Appendix 1.

(xv)  Notes the slippage and re-phasing as set out in paragraph 27 – 70 and as detailed in Appendix 2.

(xvi)  Notes that the capital programme remains fully funded up to 2021/22 based on the latest forecast of available resources although the forecast can be subject to change; most notably with regard to the value and timing of anticipated capital receipts and the use of prudent assumptions of future Government Grants to be received.

(xvii)  Note that a review of the Council’s capital strategy has been undertaken as detailed in Appendix 4.