Issue - meetings

COVID-19: Health inequalities

Meeting: 17/06/2020 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 8)

8 Potential Impacts of Covid-19 on Health Inequalities in Southampton pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of the Director of Public Health exploring Health Inequalities and Covid-19 recovery activity.

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The Board considered the report from the Interim Director of Public Health detailing the impact of Covid 19 on health inequalities in Southampton.


Kate Lees, Locum Consultant in Public Health, and Stephanie Ramsey, Director of Quality and Integration Southampton City CCG were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The Board received a presentation from Kate Lees regarding health inequalities which were summarised as being differences in health outcomes between people or groups due to social, geographical, biological or other factors. These differences had a significant impact, because they resulted in people who were worst off experiencing poorer health and shorter lives. 


The Board noted that:


·  There was a statutory responsibility for local authorities to improve this situation;

·  Covid 19 had impacted access to urgent care, care for long-term conditions and, in the future, long term mental and socio-economic issues would be encountered;

·  The looming recession and job losses would be likely to exacerbate chronic health inequalities;

·  Work was underway to address and improve the outcome for loneliness and social isolation in the city;

·  There had been significant health inequalities In Southampton before Covid-19 but the pandemic was likely to exacerbate health inequalities;

·  Evidence about the virus was emerging, and this intelligence should be used  to inform decision-making;

·  Evidence-based approaches required a ‘whole-system’ approach;

·  It was important to scrutinise strategies and plans for dealing with health inequalities with a long term approach; and

·  There was a need to engage with employers, schools and job centres to aid the current situation.


RESOLVED that the Board agree to consider the impact on health inequalities and re balancing of plans when developing a Covid 19 recovery strategy.