Issue - meetings

Children and Families - Performance

Meeting: 04/06/2020 - Children and Families Scrutiny Panel (Item 5)

5 Children and Families - Performance pdf icon PDF 304 KB

Report of the Director - Legal and Business Operations providing an overview of performance across Children and Families Services since January 2020.

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The Panel considered the report of the Director of Legal and Business Operations which provided an overview of performance across Children and Families Services since January 2020


Councillor Paffey, Cabinet Member for Children and Learning; and Phil Bullingham, Service Lead, Safeguarding, Improvement, Governance and Compliance, Children and Families, Southampton City Council; were present and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the Panel. 


In discussions with the officers, the Panel noted the following:

·  Early intervention had carried on in an online form where possible.

·  Social Workers had prioritised making contact with the children who were most vulnerable and has utilised safe ways to make visual contact with those children through meeting outside of the home or using virtual conferencing or telephone contact.


Resolved that visiting data for the period of the Coronavirus lockdown, including looked after children would be circulated to the Panel.  The data would include looked after children and other categories of vulnerable children if available, alongside statutory timescales where applicable.