Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Judy Cordell and Claire Heather 023 8083 2766/2412
Link: link to meeting
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: It was noted that apologies had been received from Councillors Murphy and Taggart. |
To authorise the signing of the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 16th September, 2020, attached. Minutes: RESOLVED: that the minutes of the Meeting held on 16th September 2020 be approved and signed as a correct record. |
Announcements from the Mayor and Leader Matters especially brought forward by the Mayor and the Leader. Minutes: (i) Solent University Journalist Students Councillors noted that there were a number of 1st and 2nd Year Journalist Students from Solent University who had joined the meeting via the live link. Councillors noted that students studying this course had been welcomed into the Public Gallery on numerous occasions previously as part of their studies and were welcomed to today’s virtual meeting.
(ii) MOD Gold Award Armed Forces Covenant
Councillors, It gives me great pleasure to share with you that Southampton City Council was announced amongst the most supportive organisations for Britain’s Armed Forces, by receiving The Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Award, the highest award achievable for an organisation.
To win a Gold Award, organisations must demonstrate that they provide extra paid days leave for Reservists and have supportive HR policies in place for Veterans, Reserves, Cadet Force Adult Volunteers and Spouses and Partners of those serving in the Armed Forces. They also advocate the benefits of supporting those within the Armed Forces community encouraging others to sign the Armed Forces Covenant and to engage in the Employer Recognition Scheme.
I would like to invite Cllr McEwing to say a few words as our Armed Forces Champion.
(iii) Memorial Commemorations 2020 has seen several anniversaries connected with past conflicts, we have remembered those who have laid down their lives for the freedoms we cherish at our Cenotaph. May the memory of their sacrifice and bravery remain with us always.
Families are also impacted by conflict, this year marked 80 years since the bombing of the Art Gallery where 14 school girls died. The anniversary sadly at the beginning of this lockdown, but a Town Sergeant laid a wreath at the memorial art work.
We also remember all through the year the contribution of surviving veterans from all conflicts and service.
October marked the arrival of the SS Corfu the first of 28 ships to return 22,000 Far East Prisoners of War and Civilian internees.
This morning I laid a wreath at the Repatriation Memorial in Town Quay Park where on this day in 1945 both the Queen Mary and Principessa Giovanna docked in Southampton.
I also laid a wreath on behalf of a surviving veteran Bob Hucklesby who arrived on the Principessa Giovanna 75 years ago today.
These commemorative anniversaries have been marked by myself and the Sheriff and I would like to record our thanks to members of the Communications Team, Craig Lintott, Clare Blay and especially Rachel Griffin, who have recorded the events for social media and other forms of publicity to enable people to feel included.
(iv) Mayors Charities All charities are finding it difficult to raise funds this year. As we’re not in the Council Chamber there’s no penalty infringements caused by mobile phones benefitting the Mayoral charity. I am particularly grateful to Councillors Keogh, Payne and Savage who set off on their bicycles for my two charities No Limits and the Southampton Children’s Play Association.
Councillor Keogh would you like to update Council?
Deputations, Petitions and Public Questions To receive any requests for Deputations, Presentation of Petitions or Public Questions. Minutes: The Council received and note the following deputations:-
(i) Mr S Glyde – Road Safety Measures Sholing Road
(ii) Debbie Tann, CEO of Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust - Ecological Emergency
(iii) Mary Wallbank – Humanist Representation on SACRE |
Executive Business Report Report of the Leader of the Council outlining
business undertaken by the Executive since September 2020 Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Leader of the Council was submitted setting out the details of the business undertaken by the Executive.
The Leader and the Cabinet made statements and responded to questions.
The following questions were submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.1:-
1. Reduction in income
Question from Councillor Hannides to Councillor Hammond
In view of the anticipated reduction in income from business rates, council tax and fees, what measures are the Executive taking to mitigate this and what action is being taken to support local businesses, boost the local economy and save local jobs?
A range of different actions had been put in place to help and safeguard jobs and take account of issues around the budget process. The Council recognises its unique role and would do its best to support recovery and build sustainable growth in the City. Engagement work had been taken place and a Leaders task force set-up with industry specific round table held, the first being the hospitability sector with more to come. There was also a wider support programme with the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and the Solent Apprenticeship hub and kick starter programmes in place. Work was also taking place with both Further Education and Higher Education Partners in the City with a range of investment to safeguard and provide strategic direction around particular themes.
2. Southampton Airport Expansion
Question from Councillor Fitzhenry to Councillor Hammond
Can the Leader outline the Cabinets political position on the Southampton Airport Expansion proposal?
The accountable decision maker for the Southampton Airport Expansion was Eastleigh Borough Council. I have set out concerns at the start of the year prior to its submission to the City Council Planning and Rights of Way Panel (PRoW). Whilst there had been some good progress against some of the concerns from the airport, there are still issues which require further work. It would be for a forthcoming PRoW to consider the item and form the consultation response to Eastleigh Borough Council.
3. Bedford Place
Councillor Fitzhenry to Councillor Leggett
Will the Cabinet member outline his criteria for the re-opening of Bedford Place?
Any decision made by the Council on the future of the temporary Bedford Place road closure will need to take into account the general approach set out in the Green Transport Recovery Plan Monitoring & Evaluation Framework and in partnership with Go!Southampton.
All schemes will need to consider the changes in the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions and the need to maintain social distancing and the support needed to safely reopen the economy. The Bedford Place scheme in particular will need to support the hospitality and other businesses once this current lockdown is eased and we continue to work in partnership with Go!Southampton to ensure we consider the views of all business and hope for some good trading over the festive period.
The monitoring and evaluation of the Bedford Place scheme will consider qualitative data from representations made ... view the full minutes text for item 41. |
Motions (a) Proposed by Councillor Fitzhenry
This Council calls on the Labour Executive to suspend all parking charges across our city centre and district centre car parks until spring 2021, to help protect local jobs and to support our cities businesses, key workers and residents.
(b) Proposed by Councillor Fitzhenry
A successful city needs visible and accountable political leadership, as such this Council regrets the lack of political leadership from the current Executive.
Council calls on the current Labour Executive to start taking proper accountability for its decision making and the impacts of its decisions, especially now at a time when people in our City and our staff need strong and accountable political leadership and support.
(c) Proposed by Councillor Professor Margetts
“The Southampton City Council calls on the UK government to join with us to end holiday hunger. We call on the government to commit to fully fund holiday food provision for every child on free school meals in Southampton for the next three years. Further, we call on the government to support the development of a longer term plan to ensure that every child in Southampton is food secure.
We call on the government to develop and fund a long term approach so that all children are well fed throughout the year, including during school holidays.
We welcome the recent u-turn by the government to fund holiday food provision. We regret that this decision came after the recent October half term holiday, that put our children at risk of hunger. During the recent half term break in October Southampton City Council, together with local community groups, restaurants and other groups, stepped up to ensure every child on free school meals in the city had access to food during the holiday. The people of Southampton showed that they will not stand by while children go hungry, but this ad hoc approach it is not a sustainable way to ensure food security for all our children.
Now is the time to address long term food insecurity in Southampton. Over 9000 children now depend on free school meals, and family use of food banks has been rising sharply over recent years. This will only get worse as the effects of Covid-19 on job losses and loss of family income increase. Food security is a fundamental human right, no child should go to bed hungry. This is bad for them in the short and long term and our children deserve the best possible start in life.
(d) Proposed by Cllr Keogh
This Council is both alarmed and concerned at the decision of the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to withdrawn its financial support for the proposed merger of Southampton City College and Itchen College.
This decision, that the ESFA had previously been in support of, will only cause continued anxiety and uncertainty for the staff and students of Southampton’s three FE institutions and City College in particular. This is now the third merger proposal that has rejected in recent years for ... view the full agenda text for item 42. Minutes: (a) Councillor Fitzhenry moved and Councillor Fuller seconded.
This Council calls on the Labour Executive to suspend all parking charges across our city centre and district centre car parks until spring 2021, to help protect local jobs and to support our cities businesses, key workers and residents.
RESOLVED: that the motion be rejected.
(b) Councillor Fitzhenry moved and Councillor Hannides seconded.
A successful city needs visible and accountable political leadership, as such this Council regrets the lack of political leadership from the current Executive.
Council calls on the current Labour Executive to start taking proper accountability for its decision making and the impacts of its decisions, especially now at a time when people in our City and our staff need strong and accountable political leadership and support.
RESOLVED: that the motion be rejected.
(c) Councillor Margetts moved and Councillor Fielker seconded.
“The Southampton City Council calls on the UK government to join with us to end holiday hunger. We call on the government to commit to fully fund holiday food provision for every child on free school meals in Southampton for the next three years. Further, we call on the government to support the development of a longer-term plan to ensure that every child in Southampton is food secure.
We call on the government to develop and fund a long-term approach so that all children are well fed throughout the year, including during school holidays.
We welcome the recent u-turn by the government to fund holiday food provision. We regret that this decision came after the recent October half term holiday, that put our children at risk of hunger. During the recent half term break in October Southampton City Council, together with local community groups, restaurants and other groups, stepped up to ensure every child on free school meals in the city had access to food during the holiday. The people of Southampton showed that they will not stand by while children go hungry, but this ad hoc approach is not a sustainable way to ensure food security for all our children.
Now is the time to address long term food insecurity in Southampton. Over 9000 children now depend on free school meals, and family use of food banks has been rising sharply over recent years. This will only get worse as the effects of Covid-19 on job losses and loss of family income increase. Food security is a fundamental human right, no child should go to bed hungry. This is bad for them in the short and long term and our children deserve the best possible start in life.
Amendment moved by Councillor J Baillie and Councillor Prior seconded.
First Paragraph, first line after “Council” delete “calls on the UK government to join with us to end holiday hunger. We call on the government to commit to fully fund holiday food provision for every child on ... view the full minutes text for item 42. |
Questions from Members to the Chairs of Committees or the Mayor To consider any question of which notice has been given under Council Procedure Rule 11.2.
Minutes: It was noted that no requests for Questions from Members to the Chairs of Committees or the Mayor had been received.
Appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees and Other Bodies To deal with any appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees or other bodies as required. Minutes: There was a requirement for a Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee to be established to consider the “Modernising our Hospitals and Health Services Programme” being led by Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Partnership of CCGs.
The Joint Committee with Hampshire County Council would be made up of eight members with one representative being appointed from Southampton City Council. This reflected the impact of the decision on Hampshire compared to Southampton and was in line with the feedback from the Southampton City Council Health Overview Scrutiny Panel.
This was a Council appointment and in accordance with agreement from the Leader and Opposition Leader advised that Councillor Professor Margetts would be appointed to represent Southampton City Council. |
Temporary Staff Contract Report of the Cabinet Member for Customer and Organisation seeking approval for the procurement of a new contract for the supply of temporary agency staff. Additional documents: Minutes: Report of the Cabinet Member for Customer and Organisation seeking approval for the procurement of a new contract for the supply of temporary agency staff.
RESOLVED: that subject to approval of Cabinet recommendations (i) - (iii) in the report, the revised contract arrangements for the supply of temporary staff, based on existing spend had incurred a cost averaging around £9.5m per annum based on current demand and use. This was for a maximum period of four years, three years initially, with an option to extend to a fourth year, be approved.
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Customer and Organisation, detailing the proposed IT Strategy and associated Investment plan. Additional documents: Minutes: Report of the Cabinet Member for Customer and Organisation detailing the proposed IT Strategy and associated Investment Plan.
(i) That the identified IT Investment Plan for inclusion in future budgets be approved. For the capital programme this meant an extra £8.530m as follows: (a) the addition of £7.343M to the Customer and Organisation programme funded by Council Resources and approval to spend this sum in years 2021/22 to 2024/25 as detailed in paragraph 24 and (b) the addition of £1.187M to the HRA programme funded by Council Resources and approval to spend this sum in years 2021/22 to 2023/25 as detailed in paragraph 24. (ii) That the IT Investment Plan approval was sought for a General Fund revenue budget allocation of £4.108M as indicated in paragraph 25 over the period 2021/22 to 2024/25 which would be built into the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy be supported; (iii) That the themes identified as the basis of an updated IT Strategy, with delivery supported by the identified investment plans be agreed; (iv) That subject to contract review, the ongoing contract for support and maintenance of software to support the Revenues and Benefits service. The overall spend of the contract was expected to be in the region of £1.2m over 6 years, 2 years initially with options to extend be approved. Costs were covered in existing budgets; and (v) That authority be delegated to the Executive Director Business Services and Head of IT, following consultation with the Executive Director Finance and Commercialisation and the Cabinet Member for Customer and Organisation plus the Cabinet Member for Finance and Income Generation, to vary the programme subject to changing requirements and new technologies in future years, within the existing and agreed resource allocation. |
Statement of Licencing Policy Report of the Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities seeking approval of the Statement of Licensing Policy. Additional documents: Minutes: Report of the Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities seeking approval of the Statement of Licensing Policy.
(i) That the Southampton Statement of Licencing Policy 2021 – 2026 be approved and adopted; and (ii) That that the cessation of the Late Night Levy be approved. |
SACRE Changes to Membership Proposal and Review Report of the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care seeking approval of recommended changes from SACRE to its Constitution. Additional documents: Minutes: Report of the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care seeking approval of recommended changes from SACRE to its Constitution.
(i) That the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the Association of teachers and lecturers (ATL) be removed as members and replaced with an NEU (National Education Union) representative; (ii) That The Voice be removed as a member organisation; and (iii) That the Council supports the decision of SACRE to not add South Hampshire Humanists as a full member of Group A within the Constitution but supported their membership as it currently stood as a co-opted member until such time as national legislation or guidance permitted their inclusion within Group A. |
Southampton COVID Saliva testing programme Report of the Chief Executive to note progress
of the pilot phases of the saliva testing programme and the planned
expansion of the programme. Minutes: Report of the Chief Executive detailing progress of the pilot phases of the saliva testing programme and the planned expansion of the programme.
(i) That the progress of the pilot phases of the saliva testing programme and the planned expansion of the programme to provide increased capacity in early 2021 be noted; and (ii) That Southampton City Council should be a ‘partner’ in this wider programme offering the civic leadership and public service human resources to support its success be approved. |
Overview and Scrutiny: Annual Report 2019/20 Report of the Chair of the Overview and
Scrutiny Management Committee detailing the Overview and Scrutiny
Annual Report 2019/20 in accordance with the Council’s
Constitution. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee detailing the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee Annual Report 2019/20 in accordance with the Council’s Constitution was noted. |