Venue: Guildhall, Southampton
Contact: Judy Cordell and Claire Heather 023 8083 2766/2412
Link: link to meeting
No. | Item |
To authorise the signing of the minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 11th October, 2021 attached. Minutes: RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 11th October 2021 be approved and signed as a correct record subject to an amendment to minute number 37 to include the Conservative Group as part of the recorded vote who were for the recommendations in the report. The amendment was reflected in the signed minutes of the meeting. |
Announcements from the Mayor and Leader Matters especially brought forward by the Mayor and the Leader. Minutes: (i) Remembrance Day Mayor announced that Remembrance Sunday had gone very well, the event was well organised and attended well by all sectors. Thank you to all those who organised the event and input on the day to ensure it went well. (ii) Baby Moulton The Mayor congratulated Cllr Moulton and his wife Zara on the safe arrival of their baby girl “Hannah Jasmine”. (iii) Engagement The Mayor congratulated Cllr Kaur on her recent engagement. (iv) Sister Cities Southampton Mayor announced that it was 60yrs ago that Southampton had been twinned with Hampton, Virginia and they had written to commemorate the anniversary. As a Council we would celebrate the anniversary and reciprocate a letter back.
Deputations, Petitions and Public Questions To receive any requests for Deputations, Presentation of Petitions or Public Questions. Minutes: The Council received and noted the following deputations:-
(i) Ruth Magennis – Southampton City Council’s position on fossil fuel investments as a Member of the Hampshire Pension Fund. (ii) Ms M Simmons – Children’s Safeguarding
Local Appointment of External Auditors Report of the Executive Director for Finance, Commercialisation and S151 Officer setting out proposals for appointing the external auditor to the Council for the 2023/24 accounts and beyond. Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Capital Assets seeking approval for the Local Appointment of External Auditors.
RESOLVED: that Council accepts the PSAA invitation to ‘opt-in’ to the sector led national scheme for the appointment of external auditors for the five financial years commencing 1 April 2023. |
River Itchen Flood Alleviation Scheme Report of Councillor Galton, Cabinet Member for Environment detailing the River Itchen Flood Alleviation Scheme. Additional documents: Minutes: Report of the Cabinet Member for Environment seeking approval of the River Itchen Flood Alleviation Scheme.
(i) That the addition of £10.2M to the Growth capital programme as a contribution to the flood alleviation scheme which will be delivered by the Environment Agency be approved. The £10.2M will be funded from Strategic CIL developer contributions; the Investment Strategy, to be delivered as part of the Outline Business Case in Spring 2022, will profile when the investment will be required (by financial year) during the project. The profile will be presented as part of the Capital Programme in February 2022 for capital programme budget setting; and (ii) That the addition of £10.2M to the Growth Programme is subject to approval to spend. Approval to spend will be sought once the final project and its costings are agreed with the Environment Agency following the submission of the final Outline Business Case (likely to be in Spring 2022). |
Southampton - Mumbai Twinning Report of the Deputy Leader of the Council seeking agreement to the signing of an Memorandum Of Understanding with our counterparts in Mumbai, signalling our intention to ‘twin’ with Mumbai, and agreeing that we will further discussions towards the ambition of agreeing a Civic Twinning arrangement. Minutes: Report of the Cabinet Member for Growth detailing proposed twinning with City of Southampton and City of Mumbai.
(i) That Council resolves to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the Cities of Southampton and Mumbai, India signalling our intention to ‘twin’ with Mumbai, and that there should be further discussions towards the ambition of agreeing a more formal civic twinning arrangement; and (ii) Any further detailed arrangements shall be subject to a further report to Council. |
INTEGRATED TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS PROGRAMME 2021/22 - APPROVAL TO SPEND Report of the Cabinet Member for Growth seeking approval to spend on the Integrated Transport and Highways Programme 2021/22. Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Cabinet Member for Growth seeking approval to spend the Integrated Transport and Highways Programme 2021/22.
(i) That the updated capital programme for Integrated Transport and Highways, the revised financing of the programme and the associated capital spend for 2021/22, including amendments detailed within this report and in accordance with financial procedure rules, of £74.55M as detailed in paragraph 17 and Appendix 1 be approved; (ii) That the overall budget addition of £2.33M, to the Place capital programme funded by government grant and S106 developer contributions, as detailed in paragraph 18 and Appendix 1 be approved; (iii) That budget virements between existing schemes within the programme as detailed in paragraph 19 and Appendix 1 be approved; and (iv) That the details of the projects within Transforming Cities Programme and Future Transport Zone Programme as detailed in Appendices 2 and 3 be noted. |
Diversity and Inclusion Pledge Report of the Leader of the Council seeking approval for the formal adoption of a Diversity and Inclusion pledge linked to the Equalities Act 2010. The pledge seeks to commit the Council as a colleagues, an employer and partner in exceeding our responsibilities under the legislation and ensuring we support all those that work with the Council and be the most Diverse and Inclusive Employer that the Council can be.
Additional documents: Minutes: Report of the Leader of the Council seeking formal adoption of a Diversity and Inclusion Pledge linked to the Equalities Act 2010.
RESOLVED: To adopt and proactively support the Diversity and Inclusion Pledge. |
GAMBLING ACT STATEMENT OF LICENSING PRINCIPLES Report of Executive Director of Communities,
Culture and Homes proposing the adoption of the Gambling Act 2005
Statement of Licensing Policy after its triennial review. Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Leader of the Council seeking adoption of the revised Gambling Act Statement of Licensing Principles.
RESOLVED: That with effect from 31st January 2022 Council adopts the revised Statement of Licensing Policy as attached at Appendix 2 and subject to any amendment that may be made by the Licensing Committee (if appropriate). |
Executive Business Report November 2021 Report of the Leader of the Council outlining
Executive Business conducted since October 2021. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Leader of the Council was submitted setting out the details of the business undertaken by the Executive.
The Leader and the Cabinet made statements and responded to questions.
The following questions were submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.1:-
1. Hampshire Pension Fund
Question from Councillor Chaloner to Councillor Hannides
Does the Cabinet Member for Finance believe that the Hampshire Pension Fund should divest itself of investments in Fossil Fuels and can he confirm the actions he is willing to take to seek to bring this about.
Answer It doesn't surprise me the Labour Group feel they achieved nothing in the past 9 years to encourage the Hampshire Pension Fund to divest away from Fossil Fuels. I suspect, they were relying on a Conservative-run Council to do something about it.
I believe it's important for investment funds to look very carefully at balancing their obligations to their investors whilst demonstrating responsible investment in the management of their portfolio. Whilst Southampton City Council is not in a position to decide how the Hampshire Pension Fund is managed, it will use its membership on the Board to recommend there is a full appraisal of current investments in Fossil Fuels and to receive advice on how best to divest of these investments and the implications of doing so. This will provide Board Members with the information and data to consider the option of adopting an investment strategy which has a greater emphasis on environmentally friendly investments.
2. Flood Defences
Question from Councillor Bogle to Councillor Moulton
What further plans does the Administration have in place to mitigate flood risk and improve flood defences beyond the RIFAS scheme on the West of the Itchen?
Answer The Southampton Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy (2012) outlines the proposals for coastal flood defences in Southampton. Delivery of the defence will be phased based on the areas carrying the highest risk. The Coastal Strategy is due to be revised by 2023 to take into account the latest climate change predictions which will help determine the next phase for delivery. Since taking on this portfolio responsibility I have been keen to speed up delivery of these vital defences as a priority; whilst also looking at how we can improve our open spaces and natural environment at the same time.
A new Local Flood Risk Management Strategy is underway and will be completed by the end of 2022 and is aimed at raising awareness of Southampton’s flood risk and how it is proposed this will be managed. Future schemes could include attenuation schemes – where water is temporarily stored, before use of flow systems allows it to be routed through normal drainage routes – and Daisy Dip is one location that would be a priority for this. Another focus of this work is the use of more sustainable drainage (SuDS) features on streets and working with schools to install multi-purpose SuDS to manage water and provide a learning resource at the same time. ... view the full minutes text for item 48. |
Motions (a) Moved by Councillor Mitchell
“This council recognises the urgency of tackling the climate crisis, particularly for Southampton, which as a coastal city will face many of the worst consequences of climate change.
This council accepts that relying on the Government’s 2050 Net Zero target for our city is too late and lacks ambition. Council commits to take the lead in tackling the climate crisis during this decisive decade and pledges to make the city of Southampton Net Zero by 2035.”
(b) Moved by Councillor Margetts
“This council recognises that childhood poverty in Southampton has a detrimental outcome for future generations in our city. Council further notes that initiatives such as the Right to Food seek to ensure that food is sustainability produced, meets dietary needs and is both available and affordable. Food security can be achieved through action such as Universal Free School Meals, Community Kitchens, and calculating wage rates for families to be able to afford a healthy diet.
This Council is committed to ending food poverty in our city and therefore commits to:
1. Join other cities across the UK, including Portsmouth, to declare Southampton a Right to Food City
Minutes: a) Councillor Mitchell moved and Councillor Leggett seconded
Net Zero 2035 Motion
This council recognises the urgency of tackling the climate crisis, particularly for Southampton, which as a coastal city will face many of the worst consequences of climate change. This council accepts that relying on the Government’s 2050 Net Zero target for our city is too late and lacks ambition. Council commits to take the lead in tackling the climate crisis during this decisive decade and pledges to make the city of Southampton Net Zero by 2035.
RESOLVED: that the motion be rejected.
b) Right to Food Motion
This council recognises that childhood poverty in Southampton has a detrimental outcome for future generations in our city. Council further notes that initiatives such as the Right to Food seek to ensure that food is sustainability produced, meets dietary needs and is both available and affordable. Food security can be achieved through action such as Universal Free School Meals, Community Kitchens, and calculating wage rates for families to be able to afford a healthy diet.
This Council is committed to ending food poverty in our city and therefore commits to:
1. Join other cities across the UK, including Portsmouth, to declare Southampton a Right to Food City 2. Build on SCC’s child obesity strategy by taking steps to support community kitchens and local food initiatives 3. Designate a lead member for food poverty in Southampton to champion and coordinate cross-party and multi-agency efforts across the city 4. Write to all three Southampton MPs to ask them to support legislation to enshrine a Right to Food into UK Law”.
RESOLVED: that the motion be rejected.
Questions from Members to the Chairs of Committees or the Mayor To consider any question of which notice has been given under Council Procedure Rule 11.2.
Minutes: It was noted that no requests for Questions from Members to the Chairs of Committees or the Mayor had been received. |
Appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees and Other Bodies To deal with any appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees or other bodies as required. Minutes: It was noted that there were no appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees and Other Bodies. |