Agenda and minutes

Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel - Thursday, 30th June, 2016 6.00 pm

Venue: Conference Room 3 and 4 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Ed Grimshaw, Democratic Support Officer  Tel:- 023 8083 2390

No. Item


Election of Vice-Chair

To elect the Vice Chair for the Municipal Year 2016/2017.


RESOLVED: that Councillor White be elected as Vice-Chair for the 2016/2017 Municipal Year.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting (including matters arising) pdf icon PDF 69 KB

To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 28th April 2016 and to deal with any matters arising, attached.


RESOLVED: that the minutes for the Panel meeting on 28th April 2016 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Update on progress - Independent review of deaths of people with a learning disability or mental health problem in contact with Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust April 2011 to March 2015 pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Report of the Chairman of Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust providing the Panel with the requested update on Southern Health's progress implementing the improvement plan and feedback from regulators.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered the report of the Chairman of Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust providing the Panel with the requested update on Southern Health's progress implementing the improvement plan and feedback from regulators.


Tim Smart, Interim Chair, and Dr Lesley Stevens, Medical Director, of the Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust were in attendance and, with the consent of the chair, addressed the meeting.


It was noted that the Trust had, earlier that day, released a media statement that day that detailed the Interim Chair’s intended course of actions.  It was explained that the Board as a whole were currently undergoing a capability review and that the Interim Chair expected that there would be further changes in the near future.  It was also explained that the role of the Chief Executive would be shifting toward focusing on the future strategy of the Trust and away from operational matters.


The Interim Chair outlined plans for the learning disability services within Oxfordshire to be transferred to the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust. In addition it was noted that, with the development of the multi-speciality community provider vanguard, the future form of Southern Health would significantly change.


The Panel questioned the Interim Chair on how these plans would align with the action plan set by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and questioned how it was progressing against the targets set.  It was explained that the Trust had so far matched the targets and timescales set out within the Action Plan.


The Chair noted correspondence from Councillor Pope seeking the support of the Panel to a motion of no confidence he had circulated. The Panel continued to echo his concerns over the Trust’s performance.  However, the Panel also noted that measures to improve the performance of the Board, and the Trust overall, were on going and chose not to support the motion at this time, noting instead that the Panel would continue to monitor and challenge the performance of the Trust.


Professor Kingdon, Clinical Services Director for Mental Health in Southampton detailed an urgent briefing that had been circulated to the Panel setting out the Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust’s proposed course of action for Antelope House and the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU).  It was explained that due to severe staffing shortages Southern Health intended to close the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) based in Antelope House for a period of 8 months.  It is anticipated that this decision will enable the remaining services operated at Antelope House, and elsewhere in Southampton, to continue to operate safely and allow for recruitment processes to deliver the required level of staffing.  The Panel were appraised of the efforts the Trust had taken to work with patients and their families to mitigate the effect of the temporary closure.  It was explained that because the Trust had taken to decision to close down the PICU as the temporary measure, the closure would not count as a substantial change in NHS provision. 





(i)  That the Panel would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Update on 'Getting the Balance Right in Community-Based Health Services' pdf icon PDF 210 KB

Report of the Director of System Delivery providing the Panel with an assessment of the impact of the closure of the Bitterne Walk-In Service.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered the report of the Director of System Delivery (NHS Southampton City Clinical Commissioning Group) providing the Panel with an assessment of the impact of the closure of the Bitterne Walk-In Service


Peter Horne, Director of System Delivery - Southampton City Clinical Commissioning Group (SCCCG), Sue Atkins, Jane Ward, Nick Chaffey, Barbara Webber and Dee Strutt -local residents were in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The Panel discussed a number of issues arising from the report including: 

·  The increase in patients attending the Minor Injuries Unit based at the Royal South Hants Hospital and Emergency Depart of the Southampton General Hospital.  The Panel were informed that whilst the number of attendees at the Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) was rising there had been a comparative fall in the numbers attending the Emergency department (ED), if you took into consideration national trends.

·  The difficulty of getting a GP appointment in the area.  The Panel noted that the provision of GP cover had not reduced but that some practices had amalgamated.  It was further explained that the Panel were intending to review the issue of primary care in Southampton at a later date.

·  Concerns over the 111 service.  It was noted that residents and Councillors had a number of reservations about the service relating to the training of the staff, the length of time it took to get through, and the repetition of information requested by the call operatives.

·  Transportation links within the area.  Residents noted that there had been no changes to bus services since the closure and that transport to the MIU and the ED was often only possible by taxi.  It was noted that the area had high levels of deprivation and that many household did not have access to a car.  It was explained that the SCCCG had now set up two hubs within the east where access to an appointment from 8:00 am to 8:00pm 7 days a week.

·  A concern that those with health care issues in the east of the City were no longer accessing the correct information or health pathway.  Residents stated that the figures indicated that demand for support from health care and or information, previously available at the walk in centre, had substantially reduced.  The residents expressed concern that people were no longer bothering to access health care and that this was to the detriment of their wellbeing.


RESOLVED that the Panel:


(i)  Noted the progress on decommissioning of the Bitterne Walk in Service (BWIS) and considered the information presented at the meeting and following discussions commented on the report.

(ii)  Noted that the recommendations around the closure of the service, that were the responsibility of the CCG to enact, have been completed.

(iii)  That the Chair would contact the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport seeking further information and updates on plans to improve transportation links from the East of the City to health care facilitates;

(iv)  Agreed to consider the CCG’s emerging Primary  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth Health Overview and Scrutiny Panels: Arrangements for assessing substantial change in NHS provision (Revised June 2016) pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Report of the Service Director, Legal and Governance, recommending that the Panel agrees the revised arrangements for assessing substantial change in NHS provision.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered the report of the Service Director, Legal and Governance, recommending that the Panel agrees the revised arrangements for assessing substantial change in NHS provision


RESOLVED that the Panel agreed the revised arrangements, attached as Appendix 1, for assessing substantial change in NHS provision.