Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies. Minutes: It was noted that no apologies for absence had been received. |
Chipperfield Trust Governance Report of the Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services seeking approval for changes to the governance of the Chipperfield Trust, attached.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The report of the Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services was submitted seeking approval for changes to the governance of the Chipperfield Trust (copy of report circulated with the agenda and appended to signed minutes).
Amendment moved by Councillor Vinson and seconded by Councillor Turner:
In recommendation (i) (i) After 'Advisory Committee to Council' insert 'pursuant to s102(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, consisting of 7 independent members with expertise in the visual arts relevant to the Chipperfield Bequest in particular, together with the National Advisor and a representative of the Museums Association ex officio and appropriate officers in attendance, with a quorum of 5'; and after 'terms of reference' add'as set out in Appendix 2 together with any other matters that the Committee may deem relevant to the objectives of the Chipperfield Bequest and the wellbeing of the collection and Gallery, and subject to the Conflict of Interest Policy set out at Appendix 3 of this report;' Amended recommendation to read: (i) That the Trustees approve a new governance model for the Chipperfield Trust incorporating an Advisory Committee to Council pursuant to s102(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, consisting of 7 independent members with expertise in the visual arts relevant to the Chipperfield Bequest in particular, together with the National Advisor and a representative of the Museums Association ex officio and appropriate officers in attendance, with a quorum of 5, to advise on matters defined within their terms of reference as set out in Appendix 2 together with any other matters that the Committee may deem relevant to the objectives of the Chipperfield Bequest and the wellbeing of the collection and Gallery, and subject to the Conflict of Interest Policy set out at Appendix 3 of this report, and that such arrangements take effect from the Advisory Committee's inaugural meeting to be held in October 2012;” (Recommendations (ii) and (iii) to stand.) Subsequent further amendment moved by Councillor Payne and seconded by Councillor Lloyd:
In recommendation (i) after “together with” in line 5 insert “invitations to”
In line 7 after “Association” insert “to attend” delete “ex-officio” add “with”
In line 7 after “quorum of 5” insert “independents”
Amended recommendations to read:
(i) That the Trustees approve a new governance model for the Chipperfield Trust incorporating an Advisory Committee to Council pursuant to s102(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, consisting of 7 independent members with expertise in the visual arts relevant to the Chipperfield Bequest in particular, together with invitations to National Advisor and a representative of the Museums Association to attend and with appropriate officers in attendance, with a quorum of 5 independents, to advise on matters defined within their terms of reference as set out in Appendix 2 together with any other matters that the Committee may deem relevant to the objectives of the Chipperfield Bequest and the wellbeing of the collection and Gallery, and subject to the Conflict of Interest Policy set out at Appendix 3 ... view the full minutes text for item 2. |