Venue: Conference Room 3 - Civic Centre
Contact: Claire Heather, Senior Democratic Services Officer 023 8083 2412
No. | Item |
Disclosure of Personal and Pecuniary Interests In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, and the Council’s Code of Conduct, Members to disclose any personal or pecuniary interests in any matter included on the agenda for this meeting.
NOTE: Members are reminded that, where applicable, they must complete the appropriate form recording details of any such interests and hand it to the Democratic Support Officer. Minutes: Councillor Shields declared a personal interest in that he was a Council appointed representative of the Clinical Commissioning Group and remained in the meeting and took part in the consideration and determinations of items on the agenda.
Dr Robinson declared a personal interest in item 8 on the agenda in that she was a member of the Clinical Commissioning Group Governance Board and remained in the meeting and took part in the consideration and determination of the item.
Rob Kurn declared a personal interest in item 7 on the agenda in that Southampton Voluntary Services were administrating a small grant associated with the Behaviour Change Programme and remained in the meeting and took part in the consideration and determination of the item.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting (including matters arising) PDF 69 KB To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 30th November 2016 and to deal with any matters arising, attached.
Minutes: RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 30th November 2016 be approved and signed as a correct record. |
Draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2017-2025 PDF 78 KB Report of the Director of Public Health proposing the adoption of the draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy for the City, attached. Minutes: The Committee considered the report detailing the draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2017 – 2025 which set out the strategic vision for improving the health and reducing health inequalities in the City.
The Board noted that the strategy had been built on the Marmot Principles and the strategic intent aligned with the Southampton Connect City Strategy, Southampton City Council Strategies and the Southampton CCG five year strategic plan and two year operational plan. The draft strategy included four themes:- · People in Southampton lived active, safe and independent lives and managed their own health and wellbeing; · Inequalities in health outcomes were reduced; · Southampton was a healthy place to live and work with strong, active communities; and · People in Southampton had improved health experiences as a result of high quality, integrated services.
The Board noted that the next informal meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board would be developing the action plan to accompany the strategy which would be submitted to the next formal meeting of the Board for adoption.
RESOLVED: that the draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2017 – 2025 be recommended to Full Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body for adoption.
0-19 Prevention and Early Help Update PDF 61 KB Report of the Director of Quality and Integration providing information in relation to the progress made in this work stream, attached Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received and noted the report detailing the outcome of the Cabinet meeting on 17th January 2017 where the development of an Integrated Prevention and Early Help offer for Children 0-19 and their families to improve education and health and wellbeing outcomes was considered.
The Board noted that Cabinet approved the preferred option (option 4) which was a fully integrated offer achieved through provider integration underpinned by an arrangement between the Council and Solent NHS Trust either through a Section 75 (NHS Act 2006) Agreement or any other appropriate basis for such a partnership arrangement. It was also noted that there would be no changes to staff contracts and individuals would remain accountable to host employers.
The Board noted in conclusion that over the next 3 months detailed design of the model would take place, a group to oversee the development of a s75 Agreement would be put in place which either Cllr Shields or Cllr Paffey would chair as Lead Members for the areas of responsibility and the s75 Agreement would be put in place and run in a shadow form for 2017/18 until existing contracts ceased.
Behaviour Change Update PDF 74 KB Report of the Director of Quality and Integration providing an update on the procurement of a new Public Health Grant funded Integrated Behaviour Change Service in Southampton, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received and noted the report providing an update on the procurement of a new Public Health Grant funded Integrated Behaviour Change Service in Southampton.
The Board noted that the new service area would play a key role in supporting health improvement and behaviour change across Southampton’s Health and Care System. It would also support the delivery of Southampton’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy in reducing health inequalities across the City. To achieve the strategic aims of the new service the Board noted the following emphasis that would be needed:- · An identifiable clear consistent model of service delivery; · Careful targeting and reach into more deprived communities, families and individuals to allow more control over lifestyle whilst taking into consideration the wider determinants of health that impacted wellbeing; · Reduction in health inequalities; · Utilisation of a range of different platforms: social media, online, digital, face to face, groups; · Widening the scope of Making Every Contact Count; · Outreach and development of health communities and settings; · Training and capacity development including accredited training for staff and volunteers; · Specialist Behaviour Change support; · Partnership working to support the delivery of relevant national strategies; and · Workforce Development/Employment.
The Board noted that a collaborative formed with SCA, NHS Solent and Southampton Voluntary Services had been awarded the contract for the new Behaviour Change Service and a Behaviour Change Implementation Group had been convened to oversee and drive the mobilisation of the new Southampton Integrated Health Improvement and Behaviour Change Service.
The Board supported the mobilisation and implementation of the Behaviour Change Service. |
NHS Southampton City Clinical Commissioning Group Two Year Operational Plan 2017/19 PDF 111 KB Report of the Chief Officer of the Clinical Commissioning Group detailing the strategic direction of Health Services in the City for the next two years, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered the report detailing the NHS Southampton City Clinical Commissioning Group Two Year Operational Plan 2017/19 which aligned with the wider aims of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight STP and translated these into local practical action.
The Board noted that the Plan had been assessed and approved by NHS England and had received Southampton Clinical Commissioning Governing Body approval which now provided ability to operate freely within it without any imposed conditions. The Plan whilst acknowledging workforce fragility would be going into 2016/17 with a planned delivery position and into 2017/18 with no deficit and a relatively good year of growth albeit subsequent years would be much more challenging. As a result there was a savings plan for the next two years which would not be about ceasing services but about mitigating demand for forthcoming years and identifying the risks all of which were in the operational plan.
The Board noted that there was a Southampton System Delivery of STP which involved all the Chief Executives of the main providers of the plan who met and monitored it and which H&WBB had oversight of however there was still concern over engagement and consultation in relation to the STP which would be raised within a forthcoming meeting of Healthwatch and its neighbouring Healthwatch’s.
Mr Abelardo Clariana-Piga representing “Southampton Keep our NHS Public” was in attendance at the meeting and with the consent of the Chair addressed the meeting.
RESOLVED: (i) That the adoption by NHS Southampton City CCG of its Operational Plan for the period 2017-2019 be acknowledged and the valuable contribution this would make to the development of integrated health care services in Southampton in line with the City’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Better Care Southampton Programme be welcomed; (ii) That close working relationships with other Health and Wellbeing Boards across Hampshire and Isle of Wight to develop appropriate governance and oversight arrangements at a political, clinical and executive level that ensured successful implementation of integrated sustainability and transformation proposals within the wider geographical area be continued.