Venue: Conference Room 3 - Civic Centre
Contact: Claire Heather, Senior Democratic Services Officer 023 8083 2412
No. | Item |
Disclosure of Personal and Pecuniary Interests In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, and the Council’s Code of Conduct, Members to disclose any personal or pecuniary interests in any matter included on the agenda for this meeting.
NOTE: Members are reminded that, where applicable, they must complete the appropriate form recording details of any such interests and hand it to the Democratic Support Officer. Minutes: Councillor Shields declared a personal interest in that he was a Council appointed representative of the Clinical Commissioning Group and remained in the meeting and took part in the consideration and determinations of items on the agenda.
Dr Kelsey declared a personal interest in that she was a member of the Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body and remained in the meeting and took part in the consideration and determinations of items on the agenda.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting (including matters arising) To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 18th October 2017 and to deal with any matters arising, attached.
Minutes: RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 18th October 2017 be approved and signed as a correct record.
Local Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report Report of the Chair of the Local Safeguarding Children Board presenting the Local Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received and noted the report of the Independent Chair of the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) presenting the Local Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report 2016-17. Keith Makin, Independent Chair was in attendance and with the consent of the Chair addressed the meeting.
The Board noted that the LSCB was moving forward during a period of national uncertainty with regard to the “Wood” Review of LSCB’s albeit the LSCB locally had unanimously agreed that it should continue in its current structure. The review would also require Child Death Overview Panels to cover a specified population number which would mean the Pan Hants arrangement would need to be re-established which the LSCB locally welcomed given they had not agreed with the current arrangement that had been put into place following the previous Pan Hants arrangement.
The Board also noted that the LSCB had provided a focus on Child Sexual Exploitation, Missing Home/School, Modern Slavery, Gangs and Esafety over the last year and continued to work alongside the Safeguarding Adults Board to ensure a “think family” approach. |
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Consultation Feedback Report of Director of Public Health providing
an update on the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment consultation
feedback. Minutes: The Board received and noted the report of the Director of Public detailing the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Consultation which had taken place from 23rd October to 22nd December 2017. The consultation had identified six questions and the Board noted the summary of responses to these which had been provided over 53 responses, 8 of which were from professional stakeholders and 45 from members of the public.
The Board noted that through the consultation it had also been highlighted that longer term commissioned services needed to be better planned and that a lot of work currently being provided within a pharmacy environment was not resourced and did require review which would be responsibility of both the CCG and NHS England. |
Alcohol Strategy Update Report of the Director of Public Health
providing an update on the Alcohol Strategy 2017-2020 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received and noted the report of the Director of Public Health providing an update on the progress made in implementing the Southampton Alcohol Strategy 2017-20. |
Drugs Strategy Update Report of the Director of Public Health
providing an update on the Drugs Strategy 2017-2020 Minutes: The Board received and noted the report of the Director of Public Health providing an update of the progress made in implementing the Drugs Strategy 2017-20. |