Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Pat Wood, Democratic Services Officer 023 8083 2302
No. | Item |
Election of Chair To elect a Chair for the 2019-2020 municipal year.
Minutes: RESOLVED that Councillor Shields be elected as Chair for the 2019-2020 municipal year |
Election of Vice-Chair To elect a Vice-Chair for the 2019-2020 municipal year.
Minutes: RESOLVED that Dr Kelsey be elected as Vice-Chair for the 2019-2020 municipal year.
Apologies and Changes in Membership (if any) To note any changes in membership of the Board made in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 4.3.
Minutes: The Board noted that Harry Dymond from Health Watch was in attendance as a nominated substitute for Rob Kurn.
The apologies of Councillor Fielker, Dr Kelsey and Rob Kurn were noted.
The Board also noted that the Councillors Fielker, Paffey, Savage, Shields and Taggart were appointed as members of the Board at Cabinet on 18 June 2019. NHS England Wessex Local Area Team had not indicated who had been appointed as member to the board for the new municipal year and consideration was given to including someone from the pharmaceutical association on the board.
RESOLVED that the appointment of a member from NHS England Wessex Local Area Team would be made for the next meeting of the board.
Statement from the Chair Minutes: The chair noted that the Board had received an invitation to participate in a consultation on plans for the development on Southampton International Airport.
RESOLVED that the representation of the Board at the Southampton International Airport consultation on plans for development, would be agreed by the Chair and Vice Chair.
Disclosure of Personal and Pecuniary Interests In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, and the Council’s Code of Conduct, Members to disclose any personal or pecuniary interests in any matter included on the agenda for this meeting.
NOTE: Members are reminded that, where applicable, they must complete the appropriate form recording details of any such interests and hand it to the Democratic Support Officer. Minutes: Councillor Shields declared a personal interest in that he was a Council appointed representative of the Clinical Commissioning Group. Councillor Savage declared a personal interest in that his wife worked as a co-ordinator for a counselling service. They remained in the meeting and took part in the consideration and determinations of items on the agenda.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting (including matters arising) PDF 48 KB To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2018 and to deal with any matters arising, attached.
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2018 be approved and signed as a correct record. |
Southampton City Five Year Health & Care Strategy PDF 81 KB Report of the Director of Quality and Integration detailing the update of the Southampton City Five Year Health & Care Strategy. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Director of Quality and Integration detailing the updates to the Southampton City Five Year Health & Care Strategy.
Clare Young - Programme Management Office Manager, NHS Southampton Clinical Commissioning Group; Dan King - Service Lead Intelligence & Strategic Analysis, Southampton City Council; Felicity Ridgeway - Service Lead Policy, Partnerships and Strategic Planning, Southampton City Council; Richard Crouch - Chief Operations Officer (Customer Experience), Southampton City Council and Dave Stewart, Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Partnerships, Isle of Wight Council, were present and with the consent of the chair addressed the Board.
The Board noted that the strategy:
The Board also noted that there had been reasonable involvement of the public within specific groups and that there would be wider consultation with service users.
RESOLVED that the board members would provide feedback on the draft Southampton City Five Year Health and Care Strategy and their comments would be sent directly to Claire Young – Programme Management Office Manager, NHS Southampton Clinical Commissioning Group.
Better Care End of Year Report PDF 324 KB Report of the Director of Quality and Integration providing an overview of performance in 2018/19 against Southampton's Better Care programme and pooled fund, including the iBCF (improved Better Care Fund), and highlighting priorities for 2019/20. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received the report of the Director of Quality and Integration that provided an overview of performance in 2018/19 against Southampton's Better Care programme and pooled fund, including the improved Better Care Fund (iBCF), and highlighted priorities for 2019/20.
Donna Chapman - NHS Southampton Clinical Commissioning Group; Felicity Ridgeway - Service Lead Policy, Partnerships and Strategic Planning, Southampton City Council; and Dave Stewart, Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Partnerships, Isle of Wight Council, were present and with the consent of the chair addressed the Board.
The Board particularly noted that:
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Update PDF 90 KB Report of Director of Public Health providing an update on the Southampton Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Scorecard. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received the Report of Director of Public Health that provided an update on the Southampton Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Scorecard.
Southampton City Council officers, Dan King, Service Lead - Intelligence & Strategic Analysis, Intelligence, Insight & Communications and Felicity Ridgeway - Service Lead Policy, Partnerships and Strategic Planning, were present and with the consent of the chair addressed the Board.
The Board noted that the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment had been incorporated into a new Single Needs Assessment with all content available as an online resource.