Venue: Virtual Meetings - Virtual meeting. View directions
Contact: Emily Goodwin/Pat Wood, Democratic Support Officer Tel: 023 8083 2302
Link: Link to meeting
No. | Item |
Apologies and Changes in Panel Membership (If Any) To note any changes in membership of the Panel made in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 4.3. Minutes: The apologies of Councillor J Baillie were noted.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting (including matters arising) To approve and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2020 and to deal with any matters arising, attached. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2020 be approved and signed as a correct record. |
Southampton Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report 2019/20 Report of the Independent Chair of the
Southampton Safeguarding Children Partnership providing the Panel
with an update on the work of the Partnership during
2019/20. Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel received and noted the report of the Independent Chair of the Southampton Safeguarding Children Partnership that provided the Panel with an update on the work of the Partnership during 2019/20.
Derek Benson, Independent Chair of Southampton Safeguarding Children Partnership; Councillor Barnes-Andrews, Cabinet Member in attendance; Robert Henderson, Executive Director Wellbeing (Children and Learning), Southampton City Council; Phil Bullingham, Head of Service: Children’s Social Care, Southampton City Council; and, Julian Watkins, Head of Service: Safeguarding, Southampton City Council were present and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the Panel.
In discussions with the officers, the Panel noted the safeguarding partnership in Southampton is strong and robust and working well. Attendance at partnership meetings has been good and all agencies have remained focused on children’s safeguarding throughout the pandemic. Over the last year the partnership has seen that some children have become more resilient, but there has also been in increase in cases of neglect, domestic violence and incidents of young people requiring support for their mental health. |
Service Vision and Strategy Development Report of the Executive Director - Children
and Learning, recommending that the Panel note the progress and
comment on the revised service vision and the developing Children
and Young People’s City Strategy. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Panel considered the report of the Executive Director – Children and Learning which recommended that the Panel noted the progress and commented on the revised service vision and the developing Children and Young People’s City Strategy.
Councillor Barnes-Andrews, Cabinet Member in attendance; and Robert Henderson, Executive Director Wellbeing (Children and Learning), Southampton City Council; were present and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the Panel.
In discussions with the officers, the Panel noted the following:
RESOLVED (i) That at a future meeting of the Panel, analysis would be presented that identified how many children’s files, from a sample of cases, include the ‘Southampton 5’- things we should see on every child’s file as identified in the Practice Framework. (ii) That the Executive Director would consider how training for foster carers would be included in the development of the Workforce Academy. (iii) That members of the Scrutiny Panel were invited to the 9 March 2021 workshop / seminar on becoming a Child Friendly City.
Children and Learning Service Improvement Plan Report of the Executive Director - Children
and Learning, recommending that the Panel note progress against the
revised Children and Learning Improvement Plan. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Panel considered the report of the Executive Director – Children and Learning which provided an update on progress against the revised Children and Learning Improvement Plan.
Councillor Barnes-Andrews, Cabinet Member in attendance; Robert Henderson, Executive Director Wellbeing (Children and Learning), Southampton City Council; Phil Bullingham, Head of Service: Children’s Social Care, Southampton City Council; and, Julian Watkins, Head of Service: Safeguarding, Southampton City Council were present and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the Panel.
In discussions with the officers, the Panel noted the following:
RESOLVED that the Executive Director reflected on the language used in the report when referring to service areas, practice and outcomes that required improvement. |
Children and Learning - Performance Report of the Director, Legal and Business
Operations, providing an overview of performance across Children
and Learning Services since November 2020. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Panel received the report of the Director, Legal and Governance which provided an overview of performance across Children and Families Services since November 2020.
Robert Henderson, Executive Director Wellbeing (Children and Learning), Southampton City Council; Phil Bullingham, Head of Service: Children’s Social Care, Southampton City Council; and, Julian Watkins, Head of Service: Safeguarding, Southampton City Council were present and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the Panel.
In discussions with the officers, the Panel noted the following:
Monitoring Scrutiny Recommendations Report of the Director, Legal and Business
Operations, enabling the Panel to monitor and track progress on
recommendations made at previous meetings. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Panel noted the report of the Director, Legal and Business Operations which enabled the Panel to monitor and track progress on recommendations made at previous meetings.
The Panel noted that all the requested information had been provided and utilised to inform the discussion of the agenda items. |