Agenda item

Planning Application - 20/00255/FUL - Southampton Common

Report of the Interim Head of Planning and Economic Development recommending that the Panel delegate approval in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Planning and Economic Development recommending that conditional planning permission be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


Widening of the path known as 'Lovers Walk' that runs north to south on the eastern side of Southampton Common between Burgess Road and Westwood Road.


Graham Linecar, Laurie Stras and David Johnston (local residents/ objecting), Tom Horrell (agent), Edward Longman, Adam Tewksbury and Johnnie Dellow (supporters) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The presenting officer noted additional correspondence had been received from the Southampton Commons and Parks Protection Society detailing its objection to the proposal and that this had been circulated and posted online.   reported that 3 conditions in the report required amending as set out below.   


The Panel then considered the recommendation to grant conditional planning permission. Upon being put to the vote the recommendation was carried.


RECORDED VOTE to grant permission

FOR:  Councillors Prior, Coombs, Magee and J Payne

AGAINST:  Councillor Savage

ABSTAINED:  Councillor L Harris


RESOLVED that planning permission be approved subject to the conditions set out within the report and any additional or amended conditions set out below.


Amended Conditions


4. Shared Path Construction (Pre-Commencement condition)

Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, the following details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:

1.  A specification of the type of construction proposed for the shared path including all relevant horizontal cross-sections and longitudinal sections showing existing and proposed levels together with the method of disposing of surface water.

2.  A programme for the making up of the shared path to a standard suitable for adoption by the Highway Authority.

3.  Details of a management process which will maintain these areas in the future.

The shared path shall be completed in accordance with the agreed details before the development first comes into use and thereafter retained as approved for the lifetime of the development.

REASON: To ensure that the shared path is constructed in accordance with standards required by the Highway Authority.


5. Hours of work for Demolition / Clearance / Construction (Performance condition)

All works relating to the demolition, clearance and construction of the development hereby granted shall only take place between the hours of:

Monday to Friday  08:00 to 18:00 hours

Saturdays  09:00 to 13:00 hours

And at no time on Sundays and recognised public holidays.

REASON: To protect the amenities of the occupiers of existing nearby residential properties.


9. Ecological Mitigation Statement (Pre-commencement condition)

Prior to development commencing including site clearance; and notwithstanding the specific location of the mitigation measures which must first be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, the developer shall implement the programme of habitat and species mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures as set out in:

1.  Lovers Walk, The Avenue, Southampton Common, Southampton. Ecological Method Statement, ECOSA Ltd Final Document 16th August 2018; and

2.  Lovers Walk Cyclepath Upgrade, Southampton Common, Southampton. Ecological Compensation and Management Plan, Final Document (Revision 3) May 2021.

The agreed programme of habitat and species mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures shall accordingly be continued for a minimum period of 10 years.

Reason: To safeguard protected species under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) in the interests of preserving and enhancing biodiversity

Supporting documents: