ePetition details


We the undersigned petition the council to organise a March Past on June 6 2023 of representatives of the armies of all the countries that embarked at Southampton during Operation Overlord in World War 2.

Southampton was the springboard for Operation Overlord and the liberation of Europe. Major-General later Sir Nigel Holmes said 'without Southampton we could not have done D-Day'. Yet sadly this period is all too often missing from the historical record. Patton's Third Army that went on to fight with great distinction in Western Europe embarked from the Western Docks and Le Clerc's Free French troops who liberated Paris left from the Eastern Docks. Just prior to D-Day there is film record of the Prime Minister Winston Churchill visiting the docks to see the assault troops leave for Normandy. It is believed this is the only such film of the Prime Minister taken at the time. The assault troops in the initial wave included the Hampshire (sic) Regiment who were the first regiment ashore on the beaches of Normandy and fought with great valour that was later recognised as the Royal Hampshires. In remembrance of the proudest period in the history of the city this e-petition asks Southampton City Council to arrange a march past on June 6 2023 of representatives of all the armies of the countries that embarked at Southampton, including Canadian troops, and as part of this ceremony the US Army should be allowed to exercise their right to march through the Bargate with fixed bayonets and drums beating.

This ePetition ran from 25/10/2022 to 06/06/2023 and has now finished.

7 people signed this ePetition.