ePetition details


We the undersigned petition the council to prepare a written outline proposal for a new visitor centre and permanent exhibition at Mayflower Park describing the role of the port during Operation Overlord.

Southampton was the springboard for Operation Overlord and the liberation of Europe in WW2. Major-General later Sir Nigel Holmes said 'without Southampton we could not have done D-Day'. Yet the proudest moment in the history of the city is often omitted from the historical record which means future generations living in the city will grow up with no knowledge of this great achievement. Therefore in permanent remembrance of this period this e-petition asks Southampton City Council to prepare a written outline proposal for a new Visitor Centre with a permanent exhibition describing the role of the port during Operation Overlord. This project should also feature the redevelopment of Mayflower Park and the inclusion of the Whale Roadway and Buffer Pontoon Grade II scheduled structure as a memorial to the sacrifice of all those who left the port during Operation Overlord. It is also hoped this project would serve to help regenerate the area.

This ePetition ran from 25/10/2022 to 06/06/2023 and has now finished.

9 people signed this ePetition.