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Select a committee
Adult Social Care and Regenera
Audit Committee
audit Committee
Cabinet Member Decisions
Chief Officer Employment Panel
Children and Families Scrutiny
Children and Young People Scru
Children and Young People's Tr
Children and Young Peoples Tru
Children's Services and Learni
Children's Services Portfolio
Chipperfield Advisory Committe
Chipperfield Trust
Early Years
Economic Development Portfolio
Economic Development, Leaders
Economic Wellbeing Scrutiny Pa
Economic Wellbeing Scrutiny Pa
Employment and Appeals Panel
Employment Panel
Environment and Sustainabilit
Environment & Transport Standi
Environment and Sustainability
Environment and Sustainability
Environment and Transport Port
Environment and Transport Scru
Finance and Corporate Scrutiny
Finance and Corporate Services
Finance Portfolio
Governance Committee
Health and Adult Social Care S
Health and Social Care Scrutin
Health and Wellbeing Board
Health Overview and Scrutiny P
Health Scrutiny Panel
Healthy City Scrutiny Panel: O
Healthy City SP
Healthy City Standing Scrutiny
Housing and Homes Portfolio
Housing and Neighbourhoods Sta
Housing Community and Regenera
Joint Chief Officer Employment
Joint Childrens Svces And Lear
Joint Commissioning Board
Joint Employment Panel for the
Joint Housing and Community Re
Joint Leader's and Leisure and
Joint Leaders And Resources Sc
Joint Resources and HCR Scruti
Leaders Portfolio
Leaders Portfolio Scrutiny Pan
Leaders Scrutiny Panel
Leisure Culture and Tourism Sc
Licensing (2003 Act) Sub Commi
Licensing (General) Sub-Commit
Licensing (Licensing and Gambl
Licensing and Public Safety Pa
Licensing Committee
Lifelong Learning and Leisure
Lifelong Learning and Training
Lifelong Training and Consulta
Local Determinations Hearing P
Local Outbreak Engagement Boar
Officer Decision Making
Overview and Scrutiny Manageme
Planning and Rights of Way Pan
Planning and Rights of Way Pan
Planning and Rights of Way Pan
Planning and Rights of Way Pan
Public Health Scrutiny Panel (
Public Health Standing Scrutin
Resources Scrutiny Panel
Safe City Partnership Executiv
Safe City Partnership Performa
Safer Communities Scrutiny Pan
School Organisation Committee
Schools Forum
Schools Organisation Committee
Scrutiny Inquiry Panel - Pro
Scrutiny Inquiry Panel - Redu
Scrutiny Inquiry Panel - Acces
Scrutiny Inquiry Panel - Air Q
Scrutiny Inquiry Panel - Carer
Scrutiny Inquiry Panel - Comba
Scrutiny Inquiry Panel - Demen
Scrutiny Inquiry Panel - Futur
Scrutiny Inquiry Panel - How d
Scrutiny Inquiry Panel - Probl
Scrutiny Inquiry Panel - Reduc
Scrutiny Inquiry Panel - Tackl
Scrutiny Panel A
Scrutiny Panel B
Scrutiny Panel C
Shadow Health and Wellbeing Bo
Solent Transport Joint Committ
Southampton Admissions Forum
Southampton Health and Care Pa
Special Cabinet To Follow Coun
Standards and Governance (Asse
Standards and Governance (Asse
Standards and Governance Commi
Standards Appeal Sub-Committee
Standards Sub-Committee
Standing Advisory Council for
Trustees of the Charity known
xxxChildren's Services & Learn
xxxChildren's Services and Lea
xxxChildrens Services and Lear
xxxEmployment and Appeals Pane
xxxEnvironment and Sustainabil
xxxHealthy City Scrutiny Panel
xxxLicensing (Act 2003) Sub-Co
xxxOverview and Scrutiny Manag
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Allen, Councillor Josh Allen
Baillie, Councillor James Bai
Baillie, Councillor Peter Bai
Barbour, Councillor Katherine
Barnes-Andrews, Councillor Am
Beaurain, Councillor Jaden Be
Blackman, Councillor Richard
Blatchford, Councillor Mrs Su
Bogle, Councillor Sarah Bogle
Bunday, Councillor Matthew Bu
Bunday, Councillor Tony Bunda
Chapman, Councillor Sam Chapm
Cooper, Councillor Gordon Coo
Cox, Councillor Christian Cox
Denness, Councillor Mike Denn
Evemy, Councillor Pat Evemy
Fielker, Councillor Lorna Fie
Finn, Councillor Marie Finn
Fitzhenry, Councillor Daniel
Frampton, Councillor Andy Fra
Frampton, Councillor Yvonne F
Galton, Councillor Steven Gal
Goodfellow, Councillor Sally
Gravatt, Councillor Thomas Gr
Greenhalgh, Councillor Rebecc
Harwood, Councillor Rob Harwo
Houghton, Councillor Alex Hou
Kataria, Councillor Toqeer Ka
Kaur, Councillor Satvir Kaur
Kenny, Councillor Pam Kenny
Keogh, Councillor Eamonn Keo
Kloker, Councillor Alice Klok
Lambert, Councillor Christie
Lambert, Councillor Ginnie La
Laurent, Councillor Valerie L
Leggett, Councillor Steve Leg
Letts, Councillor Simon Letts
McCreanor, Councillor Rebecca
McEwing, Councillor Catherine
McManus, Councillor Eugene Mc
Mintoff, Councillor Mrs Sharo
Moulton, Councillor Jeremy Mo
Noon, Councillor John Noon
Paffey, Councillor Dr Darren
Payne, Councillor Warwick Pay
Powell-Vaughan, Councillor Sa
Quadir, Councillor Razwana Qu
Rayment, Councillor Jacqui Ra
Renyard, Councillor Matthew R
Savage, Councillor John Savag
Shields, Councillor Dave Shie
Stead, Councillor Rob Stead
Ugwoeme, Councillor Victoria
Webb, Councillor Phil Webb
Whitbread, Councillor Lee Whi
Windle, Councillor Vivienne W
Winning, Councillor Alexander
Wood, Councillor Sarah Wood
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period