Gain access to the Above Bar and Bitterne Road precincts or Carlton Place pedestrianised area

You will need to apply for a licence to access Above Bar or Bitterne Road pedestrian precincts or the Carlton Place pedestrianised area. 

Who can apply?

Anyone wishing to drive a vehicle on to the Above Bar and/or Bitterne Road Precinct or Carlton Place pedestrianised area may apply.

Before making an application, please read the Precinct Licence Conditions.

Fees for Above Bar Street and Bitterne Precinct

  • Application £68
  • Refundable deposit £194
  • Additional £62 non-refundable payment only if your vehicle exceeds 3.5 tonnes gross (in payment of pre and post inspections owing to the risk of heavy vehicles causing damage to the paving slabs)

Fees for Carlton Place pedestrianised area

  • Application £34
  • Refundable deposit £194
  • Additional £62 non-refundable payment only if your vehicle exceeds 3.5 tonnes gross (in payment of pre and post inspections owing to the risk of heavy vehicles causing damage to the resin surfacing)


Apply for a precinct licence to access precincts or pedestrianised area 

Contact us

Accessing roads in a moving traffic area, including bus lanes and bus gates

Certain roads within Southampton City have restricted access to vehicles. If you need access to these roads and are on the list of vehicles that can request an exemption, you can do this using our online form. More information can be found on our access moving traffic area webpage.