Venue: Guildhall, Southampton
Contact: Judy Cordell and Claire Heather 023 8083 2766/2412
Link: link to meeting
No. | Item |
To authorise the signing of the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 19th May 2021, attached. Minutes: RESOLVED: that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 19th May be approved and signed as a correct record as amended to include the recording of Ex Councillor Mrs Blatchford as being in the Chair for the start of the meeting and the vote of thanks that was made to her. |
Announcements from the Mayor and Leader Matters especially brought forward by the Mayor and the Leader. Minutes: (i) Filming
Members, today’s meeting is being live streamed and will also be available for members of the public to view online after the meeting. For any member of the public filming I remind you that the right to film is limited to the duration of the meeting and recording must cease when I close the meeting.
Filming or recording is not permitted if the effect would be to interrupt or disturb the proceedings or if it is intrusive of a specific individual or individuals. If in my opinion this is occurring, it will not be permitted, and I will ask you to stop.
Similarly, some members of the public attending the meeting may object to being filmed, photographed or recorded and will expect that these wishes are complied with.
(ii) Meeting Protocol
Members, you have all been sent the revised Full Council Covid Meeting Protocol which has been updated in light of Step 4 out of lockdown which took place on Monday this week which you should abide by.
(iii) Change of Agenda Order for Today’s Meeting
Councillors, following agreement from Group Leaders I will be changing the running order on the agenda today.
The running order will be the Petition, the ten decision reports followed by Executive Business, tabled Questions and Appointments.
To assist in identifying those Councillors who wish to speak given how spread out we are, there is a coloured piece of card on each table that can be used when raising your hand if that helps.
(iv) Announcement by the Leader
I’m sure many of you will be aware that John Harrison, the Council’s Chief Financial Officer has been taken poorly and will not be at work for the foreseeable future. We all wish him a speedy recovery.
The Council needs to have a Chief Financial Officer in place at all times and as such Steve Harrison has been appointed under the urgency provisions in the Scheme of Delegation, with Keith Petty as his deputy for when Steve Harrison is off on leave over the Summer.
Deputations, Petitions and Public Questions To receive any requests for Deputations, Presentation of Petitions or Public Questions.
The following petition has been received which under the Council’s Procedure Rules is a qualifying petition which must be debated at Council. A position statement is attached for information relating to the petition.
(i) Stop Cancellation of Bedford Place Pedestrianisation Zone. Minutes: It was noted that no deputations or public questions had been received, however the following petition had been received which under the Council’s Procedure Rules was a qualifying petition which must be debated at Council.
(i) Stop Cancellation of Bedford Place Pedestrianisation Zone containing 1,596 signatures.
It was noted that there was no obligation for the Council to resolve anything at the conclusion of the debate and as such no resolution was passed.
NB: Councillor Hammond declared a pecuniary interest and left the meeting.
Executive Business Report Report of the Leader of the Council, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Leader of the Council was submitted setting out the details of the business undertaken by the Executive.
The Leader and the Cabinet made statements and responded to questions.
The following questions were submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.1:-
1. Parking
Question from Councillor Bogle to Councillor Moulton.
What evidence is there that free parking supports the local economy?
Price affects demand. This is fundamental economic principle. The Administration wants to do everything possible to support businesses and the jobs they support as we come out of the COVID pandemic. The hospitality and retail sectors are particularly vulnerable, and this policy is principally aimed at supporting them.
2. Sustainable Travel
Question from Councillor Bogle to Councillor Moulton.
What are the Cabinet Member’s plans for encouraging sustainable travel options?
At the June 2021 Cabinet the administration committed to supporting the development of an Enhanced Bus Partnership, a commitment to supporting a step change in bus travel in the city.
SCC continues to support and deliver the Future Transport Zone programme working with the three other Solent Transport authorities. This includes innovative projects delivering sustainable freight solutions such as the Sustainable Distribution Centre as well as supporting businesses with last mile delivery solutions including e-Cargo bikes. It also includes developing improvements in integrated ticketing for public transport and links to the development of local mobility hubs that will provide communities with a range of mobility options including e- vehicles, bike hire, e-scooters and parcel collection points.
The E-scooter trial is continuing to expand across the city and work is underway to support further developments with the trial through to March 2022 in line with the Government’s national trial extension.
SCC continues to support and deliver travel planning for schools and workplaces along with supporting measures under the banner of My Journey. This is further supported by the continuation of the Council’s School Streets programme. The ETRO for existing School Streets is being extended and work is underway with participating schools to consider permanent options.
A raft of community led solutions are being developed including ongoing work to improve the accessibility and safety of residential streets through the established Active Travel Zones, which will be expanded with additional focus on delivery of 20mph zones, where there is strong community backing.
Alongside a full review of the Transforming Cities Fund Programme, projects are being implemented such as the improvements on The Avenue and a number of TRO consultations now underway where we seek community feedback to inform final proposals.
Resources have been committed to develop a new plan for a mass transit solution for the city, working with our partners Solent Transport, Network Rail and the Train Operating Companies.
3. Transforming Cities
Question from Councillor Bogle to Councillor Moulton.
How much of the £57m Transforming Cities Fund allocation is under review?
The complete Integrated Transport and Highways capital programmes, which includes the SCC proportion of the Transporting Cities Fund Dft grant (£39m) is under review.
Motions Minutes: It was noted that no motions had been received. |
Questions from Members to the Chairs of Committees or the Mayor To consider any question of which notice has been given under Council Procedure Rule 11.2.
Minutes: It was noted that no questions to the Chairs of Committees or the Mayor had been received. |
Appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees and Other Bodies To deal with any appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees or other bodies as required. Minutes: The following Appointments to Committees, Sub Committee’s and Other Bodies were noted:-
· Councillor Guthrie had replaced Councillor B Harris on Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee · Councillor Margetts had replaced Councillor Chaloner on Health Overview Scrutiny Panel
In addition following discussion with Group Leaders it was agreed to amend the proportionality on sets by increasing the number of seats by two, one for each group on Planning and Rights of Way Panel, Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee and Governance Committee.
The following appointments were noted:- · Councillors Vaughan and Savage to Planning and Rights of Way Panel · Councillors Stead and Chaloner to Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee · Councillors J Payne and Leggett to Governance Committee
Annual Review of the Constitution Report of the Service Director: Legal and Business Operations and Monitoring Officer detailing the Annual Review of the Constitution. Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Service Director Legal and Business Operations and Monitoring Officer seeking approval of the Annual Review of the Constitution.
(i) Save for the Financial Procedure Rules referred to below that the minor changes to the Constitution and associated arrangements as set out in this report be approved; (ii) That the Director of Legal & Business Operations be authorised to finalise the arrangements as approved by Full Council and make any further consequential or minor changes arising from the decision; (iii) That the City Council’s Constitution, as amended, including the Officer Scheme of Delegation, for the Municipal Year 2021-22 be approved; and (iv) With regard to the Financial Procedure Rules:- a) That the revisions to the Financial Procedure Rules as set out in this report be approved; b) That the update to the Constitution covering the Budget Policy Framework as set out in this report be approved; and c) That authority be delegated to the Executive Director – Finance and Commercialism, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Capital Assets, to amend the terms of reference of the Change Authority Board and the Capital Review Group.
Report of the Leader of the Council detailing
the revised Corporate Plan. Additional documents: Minutes: Report of the Leader of the Council detailing the revised Corporate Plan. It was noted that there was a slight amendment to the timetable with the Southampton City Vision Local Plan submission to the Secretary of State now taking place in Winter 2023 with adoption in Spring 2025.
RESOLVED: that subject to the amendment to the Southampton City Vision Local Plan submission date the Corporate Plan 2021-25 as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report be approved. |
Budget 2021-22 and beyond – update Additional documents: Minutes: Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Capital Assets seeking approval of the Budget 2021-22 and beyond.
It was noted that there had been a need to use officer delegated urgency powers for a decision regarding School Meals Payment which was reported to Council verbally as part of this report.
(i) That the proposed additions to the General Fund capital programme to 2022/23 and its financing as shown in table 1 (paragraph 12) of the report, and associated financing be approved; (ii) That the total additions amount to £22.007M for the General Fund be noted and agrees that these schemes be included in the capital programme with £21.007M having approval to spend and a further £1.000M (as detailed in paragraph 14) of the report which would require subsequent approval to spend; (iii) That the proposed additions amounting to £4.431M to 2022/23 in the HRA capital programme with approval to spend and its financing as shown in table 3 (paragraph 19) of the report be approved.
(iv) That the proposed additions to the budget, as set out in table 2 (paragraph 15) of the report be approved and noted; (v) That the revised Medium-Term Financial Forecast (MTFF) estimate for 2022/23 as set out in table 5 and paragraphs 23 to 27 of the report be noted, with an update of the MTFF to be brought forward during the autumn; (vi) That the proposed additional net revenue spend for 2021/22 of £2.132M would be funded from the central contingency budget be approved; (vii) That authority be delegated to the Executive Director, Communities, Culture & Homes following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Heritage, to decide on the eligibility criteria and process for administering the proposed Community Fund budget (of £0.5M) to tackle anti-social behaviour.
(viii) That the additions to the Housing Revenue Account budget estimates as set out in table 4 (paragraph 21) of the report be approved.
NOTE: Councillor Vassiliou declared a non-pecuniary interest in the Solent Sky Museum as a Council appointed representative to their Board and remained in the meeting. |
Budget Matters: Revenue and Capital Outturn 2020-21 Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Capital Assets seeking approval of the Revenue and Capital Outturn 2020/21.
(i) That the General Fund revenue outturn for 2020/21 was a balanced position after transfer of £8.63M surplus to reserves, as outlined in paragraph 4 of the report and in paragraph 2 of Appendix 1 be noted; (ii) That the performance of individual Portfolios in managing their budgets as set out in paragraphs 3 to 6 of Appendix 1 and Annex 1.1 be noted; (iii) That the budget carry-forward requests totalling £6.06M as outlined in paragraph 8 of Appendix 1 and detailed in Annex 1.3 be approved; (iv) That the performance of the Property Investment Fund (PIF) as detailed in paragraphs 9 to 11 of Appendix 1 and Annex 1.4 be noted.
(v) That the HRA revenue outturn for 2020/21 as outlined in paragraph 6 and paragraphs 21 to 23 of Appendix 1 and Annex 1.6 be noted.
(vi) That the actual capital spending in 2020/21 for the General Fund was £50.20M and for the HRA was £33.97M, as outlined in paragraphs 10 and 11 in the report and detailed in paragraphs 3 to 6 of Appendix 2 be noted; (vii) That the capital financing in 2020/21 as shown in table 3 of Appendix 2 be noted; (viii) That the revised capital programme for 2020/21 to 2025/26 and its financing as summarised in paragraph 11 of Appendix 2 and detailed in Annex 2.2 be approved; (ix) That the latest prudential indicators for the revised capital programme as detailed in Annex 2.3 be approved. |
Annual Report of the Director of Public Health Report of the Director of Public Health for Southampton City Council detailing the 2020/21 Annual Public Health report for Southampton which a video highlighting the City’s experience of the Covid-19 pandemic in Southampton and recommending a strategic focus on reducing increasing health inequalities in recovery. Minutes: Report of the Director of Public Health for Southampton City Council detailing the 2020/21 Annual Public Health Report for Southampton.
(i) That the Director of Public Health’s Annual Report for 2020/21 be received and noted; and (ii) That the recommendation from the Director of Public Health was for a focus on reducing health inequalities as a priority in Covid-19 recovery be recognised and noted. |
National Monument to the Spitfire Report of the Leader of the Council seeking to formally record Southampton City Councils strategic support for the Southampton Spitfire Memorial proposal. Additional documents: Minutes: Report of the Leader seeking strategic support for the Southampton Spitfire Memorial proposal.
(i) That Southampton City Council formally records its strategic support to the concept of a national monument to the Spitfire in the city and commits to work together with the National Spitfire Project Charity and funding partners to help bring this project to fruition; (ii) That a further capital contribution of £350,000 in 2021/22 as a significant funding contribution towards this asset as a National Spitfire Monument be approved. This was to be added to the General Fund capital programme, requiring subsequent approval to spend at Cabinet. The detailed terms relating to the award of this funding would be worked up by the Executive Director of Place following consultation with the Executive Director of Finance and Commercialisation and the Service Director, Legal and Business Operations prior to approval to spend being considered; (iii) That an additional revenue budget of £150,000 in 2021/22 be approved as both a contribution towards the council’s initial internal costs associated with working with the National Spitfire Project Charity, development of funding submissions to support the project and a grant towards the National Spitfire Project Charity to undertake surveys, feasibility, detailed design and other related work via a specialist project management consultancy to be appointed by the charity. That the detailed terms relating to the use and allocation of this funding be delegated to the Executive Director of Place following consultation with the Executive Director of Finance and Commercialisation and the Service Director, Legal and Business Operations.
NOTE: Councillor Hannides declared a pecuniary interest and left the meeting. |
Southampton City Council Elections 2021 Report of the Returning Officer detailing the results of the Southampton City Council Elections on Thursday 6 May 2021 Minutes: Report of the Returning Office detailing the Southampton City Council Election Results 2021 was received and noted. In receiving the report it was noted that Councillors Paffey and Shields stood as Labour and Co-operative Party Candidates and not as listed in the report and that Councillor Jeremy Moulton’s name had been listed incorrectly in the report. |
Overview and Scrutiny: Annual Report 2020/21 Report of the 2020/21 Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee summarising scrutiny activity during the 2020/21 Municipal Year. Additional documents: Minutes: Report of Councillor S Galton, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee 2020/21 detailing the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2020/21 was received and noted. |
Overview and Scrutiny: Summary of Call-In activity Report of the Service Director for Legal and
Business Operations providing a summary of the use of the Call-in
procedure. Minutes: Report of the Service Director Legal and Business Operations detailing the Overview and Scrutiny Summary of Call-In Activity was received and noted. |