Contact: Judy Cordell and Claire Heather 023 8083 2766/2412
Link: link to meeting
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies. Minutes: It was noted that apologies had been received from Councillors Harwood, Vassiliou, B Harris, L Harris and Margetts.
To authorise the signing of the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 17th November 2021, Special and Extraordinary Meetings held on 24th January 2022 and Budget Council held on 23rd February 2022, attached. Minutes: RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 17th November 2021, Special and Extraordinary meetings held 24th January 2022 and Budget Council held on 23rd February 2022 be approved and signed as a correct record. |
Announcements from the Mayor and Leader Matters especially brought forward by the Mayor and the Leader. Minutes: (i) Last meeting of the Municipal Year Members this is the last meeting of the Municipal Year. I thank all members of the Council for their hard work and contributions made during this past year in sometimes challenging circumstances.
We are aware that Councillor Chaloner has resigned and there is currently a vacancy in the Shirley Ward and the by-election for this will form part of the May Local Elections. Some Councillors are not seeking re-election Councillors, Hammond and Beryl Harris, we thank them for their service to their communities and wish them well. Would Group Leaders/Members like to say a few words
Goodbye to James Strachan, Stephanie Ramsey and welcome Adam Wilkinson. Members, some of you may be aware James Strachan is leaving the authority to take up the role of Chief Executive at Eastleigh Borough Council. I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for his contributions and wish him well in his new role. In addition, Stephanie Ramsey is retiring from her role as Director of Quality and Integration representing both the CCG and City Council. Stephanie has been part of both organisations for a very long time, and I would like to take the opportunity to wish her a very happy retirement.
In addition to the Mayor and other Members of the Council, the Sheriff, Councillor Rayment paid tribute to Stephanie Ramsey and wished to place on record her thanks for Stephanie’s contributions to the City and wished her a long and happy retirement.
Welcome to Adam Wilkinson who has taken up the role of Interim Executive Director Growth following the departure of Kate Martin.
(ii) Ukraine and Southampton Local Response The Mayor paid tribute to all those in the Ukraine and Southampton’s Local Response to the situation and noted there was a motion regarding this issue later in today’s meeting.
(iii) City of Culture Final Four The Leader announced that Southampton City of Culture 2025 bid had made the final four and the winner would be announced in May. |
Deputations, Petitions and Public Questions The following petition has been received which under the Council’s Procedure Rules for qualifying petitions must be debated at Council:
Southampton City Council implement both the proposed anti-motorcycle installation in the 13 strategic “hot spots” as well as a commitment to tidy and repair the pathways that interconnect the Estates, allowing residents to enjoy the paths designed for walkers and active travel by both young and old. Minutes: The Council received and noted the following deputations:-
(i) Mr and Mrs Black- Misuse of Fireworks and Impact on Animals (ii) Mr Hodge – E Scooters (iii) Pat Usher, Rebecca Ruddick and Claire Ballinger – Safer Bus Stops (iv) Katherine Barbour – Insulation in Homes (v) Lindsi Bluemel – High Rate of Cyclist Deaths in the City (vi) Christell Blunden – Southampton City National Parks Project
The Council received and debated the following Petition which under the Council’s Procedure Rules was a qualifying petition which must be debated at Council having triggered the threshold of 1500 verified signatures.
(i) Southampton City Council implement both the proposed anti-motorcycle installation in the 13 strategic “hot spots” as well as a commitment to tidy and repair the pathways that interconnect the Estates, allowing resident to enjoy the paths designed for walkers and active travel by both young and old.
Note: In responding to the Petition Councillor Moulton recommended that a Task and Finish Group be appointed with representation from Community Safety Team, Police, Highways and Ward Councillors to look at the issues and potential funding opportunities from the Community Fund. |
Pay Policy 2022-2023 Report of the Chief Executive seeking approval of the Pay Policy 2022-2023. Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Leader of the Council recommending approval of the Pay Policy 2022-2023.
(i) That the Pay Policy statement for 2022-2023 be approved; (ii) That the continued implementation of the Living Wage Foundation increase as the minimum hourly rate for NJC evaluated posts from 1st April 2021 onwards be noted; and (iii) To note that the cost-of-living award for 2021 as part of the pay agreement for NJC evaluated roles and Chief Officer and Chief Executive pay have been agreed; implementation of this is delegated to the Service Director HR and OD to be applied. Negotiations for the 2022 pay award are underway; the budget proposals for 2022 included an indicative uplift of up to 2.5%, for indicative costings an average figure of 1.5% has been applied across all pay points. |
Report of the Cabinet Member for Growth providing an update on The Solent Freeport business case proposals and any associated implications for the MediumTerm Financial Plan. Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Cabinet Member for Growth seeking decision on the Solent Freeport proposals, support for the submission of the full business case and implications for the Council’s medium term financial plan.
Council noted the following updated figures to paragraph 16 and 17 of the report since it had been published:-
In order to receive additional confidential information regarding the freeport debate the Mayor moved in accordance with Categories 3 (financial and business affairs), and 7A (obligation of confidentiality) of paragraph 10.4 of the Council's Access to Information Procedure Rules, as contained in the Council's Constitution, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for this to be provided. It was not in the public interest to disclose this information as it contained confidential and commercially sensitive information.
Council noted that Appendix 1 of the report had been removed since publication as it was out of date.
(i) Council supports and endorses the strategic submission of the Full Business Case (FBC), in April 2022, as a Board Member and partner of Solent Freeport Consortium Limited, as part of National Freeport Programme Application process the final agreement of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in relation to retained Business Rates and membership on the proposed Freeport Investment Committee. (ii) To delegate authority to the Acting Chief Executive to make any minor amendments to the FBC, MOU and associated documents and submit as appropriate after consultation with the Leader of the Council, Executive Director for Finance and Commercialisation and Service Director Legal and Business Operations. |
Connected Southampton Transport Strategy (LTP4) Implementation Plan 2022-2025 Report of the Cabinet Member for Growth detailing for approval the Connected Southampton Transport Strategy Implementation Plan 2022-2024. Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Cabinet Member for Growth seeking approval of the Connected Southampton Transport Strategy (LTP4) Implementation Plan 2022-2025.
RESOLVED: That the Connected Southampton Transport Strategy (LTP) Implementation Plan 2022 – 2025 be approved.
NOTE: Councillor Denness declared a personal and pecuniary interest and left the meeting for consideration of this item. |
Children and Young People's Strategy 2022-2027 Report of the Cabinet Members for Education and Children's Social Care setting out for approval of the new Children and Young People's Strategy 2022-2027 and supporting action plans, and to recommend the Youth Justice Strategic Plan to Council. Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care noting Cabinet approval of the Children and Young People’s Strategy 2022-2027 and seeking approval from Council for the Youth Justice Strategic Plan which formed part of the overall strategy and required Council approval.
RESOLVED: that the Youth Justice Strategic Plan 2022-2027 be approved.
Annual Corporate Parenting Report Report of the Cabinet Member for Children's Social Care detailing the Annual Corporate Parenting report. Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care seeking approval of the Annual Corporate Parenting Report for September 2020 – August 2021.
RESOLVED: That the Annual Corporate Parenting report for September 2020 – August 2021 be adopted. |
Safe City Strategy 2022-27 Report of the Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Heritage detailing the Safe City Strategy 2022-27. Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Heritage seeking approval of the Safe City Strategy 2022-2027.
(i) To adopt the Safe City Strategy 2022-2027; and (ii) To delegate authority to the Executive Director Communities, Culture and Homes, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Heritage, to make minor changes to the Safe City Strategy 2022-27 during its period of effect. |
Sign-up to the Local Authority Declaration on Healthy Weight Report of The Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care recommending that the Council signs up to the “Healthy Weight Declaration”. Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care seeking sign up to the Local Authority Declaration on Healthy Weight.
(i) That plans for Southampton City Council to sign-up to the Healthy Weight Declaration (HWD) be approved; and (ii) That opportunities for Council leaders to promote the HWD ambitions to leaders of other sectors and organisations in the wider system be identified. |
Executive Business Report Report of the Leader outlining
activity of the Executive and updating on key activities as aligned
to the priorities set out in the Corporate Plan. Additional documents:
Minutes: The report of the Leader of the Council was submitted setting out the details of the business undertaken by the Executive.
The Leader and the Cabinet made statements and responded to questions.
The following questions were submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.1:-
1. Refugees
Question from Councillor Bogle to Councillor Fitzhenry
Can the Leader clarify how Southampton City Council is preparing to support refugees from the Ukraine war?
Settled Community Support – Our stronger communities team are working with local groups and settled communities to support them, as well as working with the police to monitor and respond to fears about increasing hate crime, Our Future Communities group brings together many of our community, voluntary and faith sector organisations to support information sharing and as we move forward, this group will also support the city’s welcome for refugees who are housed under the sponsorship scheme announced by government last week.
Our education team is supporting the distribution of packs to schools to help them with the emotional welfare of children and reviewing school placement availability to be able to accommodate children swiftly when they arrive in the city.
An internal working group of officers from across the Council is meeting regularly and has extended this to key partners such as health and police. As far as we can, with limited information we are planning in partnership to support both host families and refugees to access the help they will need. We expect to have a role in ensuring the safeguarding of families who arrive, linking them to health and other agencies such as the DWP. We understand that we may also have a role in distributing the £350 per month payment that has been promised for host families, but the detail at the time of writing is very limited.
Donations for refugees – the Council opened up St Mary’s leisure centre to assist the Polish Social club manage their donations in the short term and have agreed with the owners of Toys R Us to undertake work to the site to allow the Polish Social Club to move their operation to this much larger more suitable site.
Refugee Support – the Government have announced two schemes and we await further detail on the sponsorship scheme to be able to plan effectively. • Ukraine Family Scheme - The Ukraine Family Scheme allows family members of British nationals, UK settled persons and certain others to come to or stay in the UK. Ukraine Scheme Guidance ( • Local Sponsorship Scheme for Ukraine - This is for Ukrainian Nationals who do not have family in the UK. Homes for Ukraine – Homes for Ukraine – Local Sponsorship Scheme for Ukraine ( and Homes for Ukraine scheme: frequently asked questions - GOV.UK (
2. Police Numbers
Question from Councillor Shields to Councillor Vassiliou
What action has the Cabinet Member with responsibility for crime and city safety taken to ensure the 150 additional police officers for the city promised by ... view the full minutes text for item 72. |
Motions (a) Moved by Councillor S Galton
“The Southampton National Park City Project (SNCP) is a grassroots community initiative that seeks to create more spaces that are safe to play in and where nature can flourish – a city where people, culture and nature work together.
It is affiliated to the National Park City Foundation, a global movement that aims to create 25 National Park Cities (NPCs) by 2025.
Council fully supports the Southampton National Park City Project and its aim of achieving National Park City status for Southampton by 2025and endorses Cabinet signing the Charter on behalf of Southampton City Council. Additionally, where practical and feasible, the Council will assist SNCP as they pursue their objectives.”
(b) Moved by Councillor Fielker
“This council recognises that Southampton residents are in the midst of one of the highest cost of living crisis in 60 years, exacerbated by rising fuel costs made worse by a global oil and gas crisis.
This Council acknowledges that freezing council tax and rents for one year provides a small measure of relief to eligible households but will not themselves prevent people from having to make stark choices.
This Council notes that the SO: Linked contract has made it easier for people to get the support they need, but also notes that there remains a squeeze on many people’s incomes while energy, food, and housing costs continue to rise.
Council therefore resolves to: 1. continue to use available resources to support Southampton residents in times of hardship.
2. call on government to commit to immediate action beyond the proposed £150 advance (for some council taxpayers) whilst considering the longer-term consequences.
3. write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer requesting that the Government takes further steps, including to: a) Cut VAT on gas and electric to 0% b) Scrap the proposed National Insurance increase c) Restore the £20 Universal Credit uplift d) Properly fund Council to continue payments from the Household Support Fund beyond the 31st March to support those most in need. e) Implement a one-off windfall tax on energy companies’ record profits to reduce the burden on bill payers.”
(c) Moved by Councillor Fitzhenry
“This council deplores the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine, accompanied by the terrible loss of life and horrendous destruction of Ukraine’s infrastructure.
Council commends the work of voluntary organisations and individuals in Southampton who are collecting and sending vital relief materials to support Ukrainian refugees. Council resolves to follow the government’s lead by refusing to engage with any individual, organisation or activity that might support or fund Putin’s war. Southampton City Council stands with the people of Ukraine and as a City of Sanctuary we will work with government to support refugees and their family members in the city.”
Minutes: (a) Councillor S Galton moved and Councillor Mitchell seconded
Southampton National Park City Project
“The Southampton National Park City Project (SNCP) is a grassroots community initiative that seeks to create more spaces that are safe to play in and where nature can flourish – a city where people, culture and nature work together.
It is affiliated to the National Park City Foundation, a global movement that aims to create 25 National Park Cities (NPCs) by 2025.
Council fully supports the Southampton National Park City Project and its aim of achieving National Park City status for Southampton by 2025and endorses Cabinet signing the Charter on behalf of Southampton City Council. Additionally, where practical and feasible, the Council will assist SNCP as they pursue their objectives.”
(b) Councillor Fielker moved and Councillor Mitchell seconded
Cost of Living Crisis
“This council recognises that Southampton residents are in the midst of one of the highest cost of living crisis in 60 years, exacerbated by rising fuel costs made worse by a global oil and gas crisis.
This Council acknowledges that freezing council tax and rents for one year provides a small measure of relief to eligible households but will not themselves prevent people from having to make stark choices.
This Council notes that the SO: Linked contract has made it easier for people to get the support they need, but also notes that there remains a squeeze on many people’s incomes while energy, food, and housing costs continue to rise.
Council therefore resolves to: 1. continue to use available resources to support Southampton residents in times of hardship.
2. call on government to commit to immediate action beyond the proposed £150 advance (for some council taxpayers) whilst considering the longer-term consequences.
3. write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer requesting that the Government takes further steps, including to: a) Cut VAT on gas and electric to 0% b) Scrap the proposed National Insurance increase c) Restore the £20 Universal Credit uplift d) Properly fund Council to continue payments from the Household Support Fund beyond the 31st March to support those most in need. e) Implement a one-off windfall tax on energy companies’ record profits to reduce the burden on bill payers.”
(c) Councillor Fitzhenry moved and Councillor Paffey seconded.
Ukraine Refugees
“This council deplores the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine, accompanied by the terrible loss of life and horrendous destruction of Ukraine’s infrastructure.
Council commends the work of voluntary organisations and individuals in Southampton who are collecting and sending vital relief materials to support Ukrainian refugees. Council resolves to follow the government’s lead by refusing to engage with any individual, organisation or activity that might support or fund Putin’s war. Southampton City Council stands with the people of Ukraine and as a City of Sanctuary we will work with government to support refugees and their family members in the city.” ... view the full minutes text for item 73. |
Questions from Members to the Chairs of Committees or the Mayor To consider any question of which notice has been given under Council Procedure Rule 11.2.
Minutes: It was noted that no requests for Questions from Members to the Chairs of Committees or the Mayor had been received. |
Appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees and Other Bodies To deal with any appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees or other bodies as required. Minutes: It was noted that there were no appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees and Other Bodies. |