Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre
Contact: Judy Cordell / Claire Heather 023 8083 2766
Link: link to meeting
No. | Item |
Executive Appointments To deal with any executive appointments, as required. Minutes: |
Community Chest 2021/22 Round One Decision Report of the Executive Director for Communities, Culture and Homes seeking approval of the Community Chest 2021/22 Round One decisions. Additional documents:
Minutes: DECISION MADE: (CAB 21/22 32278)
On consideration of the report of the Executive Director for Communities, Culture and Homes, Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Heritage, agreed the following:
To agree the recommendations for 2021/22 round 1 grants made by the cross-party Community Chest Grant Advisory Panel as set out in appendix 2. |
Community Fund and Community Chest Grant Criteria Report of the Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Heritage detailing the criteria for the new Community Fund and changes to the process for Community Chest Grant. Additional documents:
Minutes: DECISION MADE: (CAB 21/22 32466)
On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Heritage, Cabinet agreed the following:
(i) Agree the criteria and process for applications to the Community Fund as set out in Appendix One. (ii) Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Communities, Culture, and Homes following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture & Heritage to determine the outcome of Community Fund applications. |
Special School Expansion and Reconfiguration Report of the Cabinet Member for Education seeking approval for the use of revenue funding to hire temporary modular classroom provision as part of the developing SEND programme; and approval to spend current allocated capital funding on the design work of the scheme to progress the overall project. Additional documents:
Minutes: DECISION MADE: (CAB 21/22 32464)
On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Education, Cabinet agreed the following:
(i) Approve an addition to the capital programme of £4.295M, with approval to spend, for the purchase of modular units on the Green Lane site to accommodate the September 2022 intake of pupils at Great Oaks Academy. Details are set out in paragraph 15. (ii) Approve the spend of £0.30M in 2021/22 to employ consultants to progress the overall SEND project. This will come from the previously agreed capital allocation of £4.4M within the capital programme. If long term proposals for the SEND developments on Green Lane are not approved, this would be an abortive cost and a pressure on the revenue budget for the General Fund.
St Monica' s School Academisation Report of the Cabinet Member for Education detailing the reconfiguration of St Monica's School site to amalgamate the Infants School onto the site of the Junior School. Additional documents: Minutes:
DECISION MADE: (CAB 21/22 32500)
On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Education, Cabinet agreed the following:
(i) To approve the addition of £1,262,000 to the Education & Children’s Social care capital programme, along with approval to spend, as detailed in paragraph 1. This will fund the SCC R&M Statutory commitments as part of the forced academisation of St Monica’s infant School, together with the provision of two permanent modular classrooms to facilitate amalgamation onto the Junior School site. (ii) To approve to transfer funding to the academy trust to complete the works and delegate the Executive Director – Children and Learning to undertake a transfer agreement. |
Southampton Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) Report of Cabinet Member for Growth seeking approval for the Southampton Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP). Additional documents:
Minutes: DECISION MADE: (CAB 21/22 32445)
On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Growth, Cabinet agreed the following:
(i) To approve the draft Southampton Bus Service Improvement Plan as required by the National Bus Strategy for publication and submission to the Department for Transport, and delegate authority to the Executive Director Place to make any necessary changes to the draft BSIP before submission, undertake consultation on the Enhanced Partnership, and carry out the annual BSIP review following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Growth. (ii) To approve the temporary change to the Southampton Concessionary Fare scheme to offer a local discretionary enhancement under Localism Act 2011 Section 1 to financially support the bus operator commercial offer for the £1 Evening Bus Fare and to extend the current Concessionary Fare eligibility categories in relation to this discretionary element of the Scheme only, this will apply until 31st March 2022. (iii) To delegate authority to the Executive Director Place, following consultation with the Cabinet Members for Growth and Finance to determine the mechanism to administer the Evening Fares support under the Concessionary Fares reimbursement provisions.
Note: Cabinet considered and accepted the recommendations from Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee meeting, held on 14th October, 2021. |
Northern Above Bar Properties*
Report of the Cabinet Member for Growth and the Cabinet Member for Finance and Capital Assets seeking Cabinet approval to review the council strategy relating to Council properties in Northern Above Bar. Additional documents:
Minutes: DECISION MADE: (CAB 21/22 32527)
On consideration of the confidential report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Capital Assets in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Growth, Cabinet agreed modified recommendations as agreed at the meeting. NOTE 1: Section 8 of the report, 3rd paragraph, last sentence. Cabinet did not agree with this sentence. NOTE 2: Paragraph 16 of the report. Cabinet rejected this statement. NOTE 3: Cabinet considered and rejected recommendations received from Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee meeting, held on 14th October 2021.
Revising the litter enforcement service*
Report of the Cabinet Member for Environment seeking to revise the operational model of the litter enforcement service provided by a contractor Additional documents:
Minutes: DECISION NOTICE: (CAB 21/22 32185)
On consideration of the confidential report of the Cabinet Member for Environment, Cabinet agreed recommendations as set out in the report.
NOTE: Cabinet considered, and accepted recommendations received from Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee meeting, held on 14th October 2021. |