Venue: Conference Room 3 and 4 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Alison Philpott 023 8083 3076
No. | Item |
Apologies and Changes to Membership To receive any apologies and changes to membership.
Minutes: RESOLVED that Apologies were received from Chris Davis, MBE. |
Minutes of the Last Meeting including Matters Arising To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 7 June 2021 and 27 September 2021, as attached.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 7 June 2021 and 27 September 2021 be approved and signed as a correct record. |
SACRE Annual Report To consider the SACRE Annual Report for approval. Minutes: AP presented the Annual SACRE report and advised that NASACRE had issued a new template in conjunction with the DFE. No publicly data was available. RESOLVED that, following a unanimous vote, the report be approved. |
Updated Training Offer - Professional Advisor verbal report Minutes: AP presented a report and advised that the following sessions were to follow soon:- - World Views session on Weds 7th and 8th December. Because SACRE had subscribed any member could join without further cost. AP advised that Ruth Flannagan was the trainer. - 6 December 7-8pm, a session on how to apply for a Westhill Grant. Westhill was a college of Uni of Birmingham – it folded but money went into a trust – they grant bursaries up to 4K to each SACRE. AP suggested it might be useful to consider how to take Pondering Time forward.
Development Plan with Costing To receive and approve the SACRE Action Plan and Costing. Minutes: RESOLVED that SACRE agreed the Budget. |
Monitoring Group Visits 2021/2022 To receive and approve the Monitoring Group visit plan and template for 2021/2022. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that by 7 Feb 2022, AP would need a DBS from each person. If members in the Monitoring Groups were not on the update service, they should let AP know.
RESOLVED that the Protocol was shared with the last set of SACRE papers. The template should be taken to visits and monitoring notes taken by the individuals monitoring.
RESOLVED that schools would be encouraged to give different elements of the visit to each member of the monitoring group to cover more material.
Those monitoring were requested to send their notes to AP for them to be merged in to a full report, which would then be sent to the Chair of the Governors.
RESOLVED that AP would look at the schools for changes and Ofsted reports.
AP advised that by March 2022, Ofsted would be looking at outcomes for RE. |
Date of next meeting: 7 February 2022 Minutes:
EJ advised that the next NASACRE conference would be on 23 May 2022, and that there was a SACRE budget for two people to attend. EJ further advised that the Ofsted inspector for RE was the Keynote speaker and that the theme of the conference would be Ambitious SACREs.
Date of next meeting: 7 February 2022 - 4.30pm (note change of time)