Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Ed Grimshaw, Democratic Support Officer Tel:- 023 8083 2390 / 07385 416491
Link: link to meeting
No. | Item |
Apologies and Changes in Membership (if any) To note any changes in membership of the Panel made in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 4.3.
Minutes: It was noted that following receipt of the temporary resignation of Councillor Stead from the Panel, the Service Director - Legal and Business Operations, acting under delegated powers, had appointed Councillor J Payne to replace them for the purposes of this meeting. In addition, the Panel noted the apologies of Councillor Guest. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting (including matters arising) To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 22 October 2021 and to deal with any matters arising, attached. Minutes: RESOLVED: that the minutes for the Panel meeting on 21 October 2021 be approved and signed as a correct record. |
Report of the Chair requesting that the Panel
considers the actions that Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust has
taken already and where further work will be undertaken to realise
the ambitions of the Stage 2 report. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Panel considered the report of the Chair requesting that the Panel considers the actions that Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust has taken already and where further work will be undertaken to realise the ambitions of the Stage 2 report.
Ron Shields – Chief Executive, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust was in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.
The Panel discussed a number of points including:
· How the process of the Stage 2 review would fit alongside the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Inspection process; · The Panel noted that Southern Health have demonstrated considerable improvement over the years and that the Trust is now rated as good by the CQC; · How the Carers and Patient Support Hub worked and how it would support any improvements required; · The Trust’s approach to supporting carers; · The process and pathways relating to the resolution of complaints by the Trust; · The policy of “getting it right first time” and delivery of the Trust’s action Plan; and · Representation by the Council on the Governing Board of the Trust.
(1) At the April 2022 meeting, the Panel are provided with an update on progress made by the Trust in the delivery of the agreed action plan; (2) The lack of a representative from Southampton City Council on the Governing Body of Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust is raised with the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care.
Report of the Chair requesting that the Panel
consider the verbal update from the Director of Public Health on
Covid-19 planning in Southampton. Minutes: The Panel considered the verbal update from the Director of Public Health on Covid-19 planning in Southampton.
Dr Debbie Chase - Director of Public Healthwas in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.
The Panel discussed a number of points including:
· The current numbers of people testing positive for Covid-19 in the City; · The current rate of those people vaccinated in the City; · Step to reach to those areas / communities where the take up of vaccination had been lowest; · The Omicron variant and its potential to spread; and · The risk of spreading infection at Council meetings.
The Panel raised concerns about the requirement to hold meetings of the HOSP in person and supported the work being undertaken by the LGA and other bodies in lobbying Government to introduce urgent legislation so that councils can meet in a remote or hybrid setting. |
Integrated Care System Developments Report of NHS Hampshire, Southampton and Isle
of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group providing an update on the
development of the design of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight
Integrated Care Partnership and Integrated Care Board. Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel considered the report of NHS Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group providing an update on the development of the design of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Partnership and Integrated Care Board.
Stephanie Ramsey – Managing Director of Southampton Place, Hampshire, Southampton & IOW CCG was in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting. Stephanie gave apologies to the Panel from Paul Gray - Executive Director of Strategy, Hampshire, Southampton & IOW CCG and Maggie MacIsaac.
The Panel discussed a number of points including:
· The key developments since the last update at the September meeting · Whether the post of Integrated Commissioning Director been recruited yet and the timescales for the Managing Director for Southampton post to be filled by; · The processes to be followed to agree the governance arrangements for the Southampton Partnership Board; · How engaged are Adult Social Care, Children’s Social Care and Public Health in the developing ICS; · The level of involvement the political Executive has had in shaping the ICS and ensuring Southampton’s views are represented; · How the provider collaboratives outlined in the report progressing. · The Panel expressed a concern that they had not had the opportunity to scrutinise developments with Maggie MacIsasac, Guy Van Dichele and Cllr White, especially with the new body formally operating from April 2022.
RESOLVED that the proposed governance and decision making arrangements for the ICS are circulated to the Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel as soon as they are available.
Monitoring Scrutiny Recommendations Report of the Service Director, Legal and
Business Operations, updating the Panel on the responses received
to recommendations from previous meetings. Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel received and noted the report of the Service Director, Legal and Business Operations, updating the Panel on the responses received to recommendations from previous meetings. |