Venue: Conference Room 3 and 4 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Email: [email protected] 023 8083 2390 / 07385 416491
Link: Link to meeting
No. | Item |
Apologies and Changes in Panel Membership (If Any) To note any changes in membership of the Panel made in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 4.3. Minutes: It was noted that following receipt of the temporary resignation of Councillors L Harris and Magee from the Panel, the Service Director Legal and Business Operations acting under delegated powers, had appointed Councillor J Payne and Laurent to replace them for the purposes of this meeting.
Councillor Prior in the Chair |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting (including matters arising) To approve and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the meetings held on 8 March 2022and to deal with any matters arising. Minutes: RESOLVED: that the minutes for the Panel meeting on 8 March 2022 be approved and signed as a correct record. |
Planning Application - 21/01837/FUL - Former Toys R Us Report of the Interim Head of Planning and Economic Development recommending that the Panel delegate approval in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Panel considered the report of the Head of Planning and Economic Development recommending delegated authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.
Demolition of all existing buildings and structures and site clearance and hybrid planning permission for the redevelopment of the site for major mixed-use development comprising:
(A)Full planning permission for the demolition of the existing building and structures; construction of 4 buildings (Blocks A, B, C and D) of between 7 and 25 storeys with Block A comprising commercial floorspace (Class E) and Blocks B, C and D comprising 603 residential units (Class C3) and ground floor commercial floorspace (Class E); together with associated access, parking, servicing, landscaping (including Sustainable Drainage Systems), amenity space, public realm and substations. (B)Outline planning permission for the construction of 1 building (Block E) of up to 8 storeys for flexible commercial/residential/overnight accommodation (C1/C3/Class E Uses) and/or co-living (Sui-Generis) with associated access, parking, servicing, landscaping and amenity space (all matters reserved except for access).
Simon Reynier ( City of Southampton Society) Sarah Beuden (agent), Mark Woodrow (applicant), Laurence Osborn (architect) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.. the Panel noted statements from Leigh-Sara Timberlake and Colin Barnett had been received, circulated to the Panel by email and hard copy and posted online.
The presenting officer reported a number of amended conditions, as set out below. It was also noted that an additional condition relating to the commencement of the development was also required, as set out below.
The Panel then considered the recommendation to delegate authority to the Head of Planning and Economic Development to grant planning permission and approve the Habitats Regulations Assessment. Upon being put to the vote the recommendation was carried.
RECORDED VOTE to grant planning permission. FOR: Councillors Prior, Laurent, J Payne and Vaughan AGAINST: Councillors Coombs, Savage and Windle
RESOLVED that the Panel:
(i) Delegate to the Head of Planning & Economic Development to approve the Habitats Regulations Assessment and grant planning permission subject to the planning conditions recommended at the end of this report and the completion of a S.106 Legal Agreement to secure: a. In accordance with Policy SDP4 of the City of Southampton Local Plan Review (as amended 2015), policies CS18 and CS25 of the adopted LDF Core Strategy (as amended 2015) and the adopted SPD relating to Planning Obligations (September 2013), financial contributions and/or works through s.278 approvals towards site specific transport improvements in the vicinity of the site including: · Segregated cycle route and/or bus lane (subject to design) on Western Esplanade between Central Station and Western Esplanade/Civic Centre Road junction; · No loading restrictions (TRO & Implementation) around site boundaries to stop loading/unloading away from designated loading bays, and loading restrictions in any provided loading bay(s); · Contribution to segregated cycle route, pedestrian crossing points and works to connect from site to Manchester Street (route past side of Asda); · 2x Enhanced Variable Messages Signs on Western Esplanade – one replacing existing adjacent ... view the full minutes text for item 71. |
Planning Application - 21/01632/FUL - 91 Pound Street Report of the Interim Head of Planning and Economic Development recommending that conditional approval be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address. Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel considered the report of the Head of Planning and Economic Development recommending that conditional planning permission be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.
Change of use from a dwelling house to a 4-bed children's home (C2 use)
Ben Rogers, Lindsey Wilson and Ivan White local residents), Paradzai Chitonog (Applicant) and Councillors Laurent and Fitzhenry (ward councillors objecting) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.
The presenting officer reported that comments from the City Council’s Children’s Placement Team had been received and these were reported to the Panel. It was noted that that Southampton City Council would not currently be a partner seeking to take up these places, however the Applicant’s supporting statement also highlights that Hampshire County Council are their other potential partner. In addition it was noted that an updated supporting statement had been received from the applicant and that this had been posted online and circulated to the Panel. It was noted that the statement had informed an amendment to Condition Number 3, as set out below.
The Panel then considered the recommendation to grant conditional planning permission. Upon being put to the vote the recommendation was carried.
RECORDED VOTE to grant planning permission FOR: Councillors Prior, Coombs, Savage and Windle AGAINST: Councillors J Payne and Vaughan
RESOLVED that planning permission be approved subject to the conditions set out within the report and any additional or amended conditions set out below:
03. Management Plan (Pre-Occupation) Notwithstanding the information already provided in the updated Supporting Statement, before the development hereby approved first comes into occupation, a detailed management plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The management plan shall include details of the proposed levels of supervision of residents both on and off-site, and measures to manage the level of noise audible outside the premises. These measures shall include providing 24 hour contact details for the site’s management, including a company representative, to provide liaison with neighbouring dwellings to address noise and disturbance complaints as they arise. The operator shall, thereafter, keep these contact details up to date. The development hereby approved shall operate in accordance with the agreed Management Plan.
REASON: In the interest of the amenities of neighbouring occupiers
NOTE: Councillor Laurent declared an interest as a Ward Councillor and withdrew from the Panel. |
Planning Application - 21/01649/FUL - 39 Thornbury Avenue Report of the Interim Head of Planning and Economic Development recommending that conditional approval be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Panel considered the report of the Head of Planning and Economic Development recommending delegated authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.
Change of use from care home to family dwelling (class C3) and 1-bed annexe with parking, cycle and refuse store. Description Amended following amended plans to change family home layout and use of flat as an annexe
Councillor Shields (ward councillor) was present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting. Additionally the Panel noted a statement received, circulated and posted online from Nigel Parsons and that the local resident, Claire Heyes, who had registered to speak on the application had unfortunately had to leave the meeting prior to the matter being considered.
The presenting officer reported that there were no updates to the condition required. It was noted that enforcement actions were still ongoing
Upon being put to the vote the Panel confirmed the Habitats Regulation Assessment.
The Panel then considered the recommendation to delegate authority to the Head of Planning and Economic Development to grant planning permission. Upon being put to the vote the recommendation was carried unanimously.
RESOLVED that the Panel:
(i) confirmed the Habitats Regulation Assessment set out in Appendix 1 of the report. (ii) Delegate to the Head of Planning and Economic Development to grant planning permission subject to the planning conditions recommended at the end of this report and the completion of a S.106 Legal Agreement to secure a contribution towards the Solent Disturbance Mitigation Project to mitigate impact on European designated sites due to an increase in recreational disturbance. (iii) In the event that the legal agreement is not completed within a reasonable period following the Panel meeting, the Head Planning and Economic Development be authorised to refuse permission on the ground of failure to secure the provisions of the Section 106 Legal Agreement. (iv) That the Head of Planning and Economic Development Manager be given delegated powers to add, vary and /or delete relevant parts of the Section 106 agreement and/or conditions as necessary.