Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Pat Wood 023 8083 2302
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies. |
Disclosure Of Personal And Pecuniary Interests In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, and the Council’s Code of Conduct, Members to disclose any personal or pecuniary interests in any matter included on the agenda for this meeting. |
Statement from the Leader |
Record of the Previous Decision Making Record of the decision making held on 17th July, 2018, attached. |
Matters referred by the Council or by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee for Reconsideration (if any) There are no matters referred for reconsideration. |
Reports from Overview and Scrutiny Committees (if any) There are no items for consideration |
Executive Appointments To deal with any executive appointments, as required. |
CORPORATE REVENUE FINANCIAL MONITORING FOR THE PERIOD TO THE END OF JUNE 2018 Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Customer Experience summarising the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) revenue financial position for the Authority for the three months to the end of June 2018, and highlighting any key issues by Portfolio which need to be brought to the attention of Cabinet. Additional documents: |
CAPITAL FINANCIAL MONITORING FOR THE PERIOD TO THE END OF JUNE 2018 Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Customer Experience informing Cabinet of any major changes in the overall General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) capital programme for the period 2018/19 to 2022/23, highlighting the changes in the programme since the last reported outturn position to Council Cabinet in July 2018. The report also notes the major forecast variances against the approved estimates. Additional documents: |
Changes to Existing Revenue and Capital Budgets To consider the report of the Service Director
Finance and Commercialisation and Cabinet Member for Finance and
Customer Experience (where relevant) detailing proposed changes to
existing Revenue and Capital Budgets to incorporate changes to this
and future years’ budget. |
Report of the Cabinet Member for Transport and Public Realm regarding the tendering of the Hampshire wide glass processing and disposal contract, which was completed in June 2018 (which, Southampton City Council (SCC) and Portsmouth City Council (PCC) are part of), it was not possible to award the contract as it would have resulted in a significant reduction in income. It is now intended to accept glass processing and disposal contract into the Waste Disposal Service Contract (WDSC) until December 2030.
Commissioning Substance Misuse services for adults and young people in Southampton To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing to accept the outcome of the procurement process for Substance Misuse services for Adults and Young People in Southampton following a period of review, engagement and consultation. Additional documents: |
Home to School Transport & Post-16 Travel Arrangements To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Aspiration, Schools and Lifelong Learning seeking approval to formally consult on the proposals for Home to School Transport & Post-16 Travel Arrangements. Additional documents: |
Land Quality Strategy 2018 - 2023 To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Transport and Public Realm, detailing the Southampton Land Quality Strategy 2018-2023 update. Additional documents: |
Exclusion of the Press and Public - Confidential Papers included in the following Item To move that in
accordance with the Council’s Constitution, specifically the
Access to Information Procedure Rules contained within the
Constitution, the press and public be excluded from the meeting in
respect of consideration of the confidential following Item. |
Update on Strategic Services Partnership
Confidential report of the Leader detailing an update on the Strategic Services Partnerships. Minutes: (i) The Service Director for Digital and Business Operations, after consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Customer Experience, is authorised to commence formal dispute resolution proceedings over commercial disputes with Capita if required; (ii) Adult social care expenditure is included in the Procurement Guarantee for the purposes of the Council’s claim in the event of formal dispute resolution; (iii) A ‘no comment’ policy continues to apply while commercial negotiations with Capita continue; (iv) The Service Director for Digital and Business Operations is authorised to instruct Capita’s Procurement team to immediately begin procurement of a Revenues and Benefits system and any other systems or products deemed essential to the continued delivery of services to staff, Members and the public, to ensure no service interruption; (v) The Service Director for Finance and Commercialisation is authorised to highlight the financial risks posed by the Capita claim and the cost of an arbitration process as necessary in public budget consultation documents, which may need to set out what additional savings are required as a result of not reaching agreement with Capita. |