Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Louise Hallett and Huw Morgan. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting (Including matters arising) To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 11th July, 2016 and to deal with any matters arising, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 11th July 2016 be approved and signed as a correct record with the following amendment:
Item 6 – Update on Ace Bid It was noted that the ACE and HLF were 2 separate bids.
Update on Flagship Galleries Network Project To receive a report from Janet Owen, Chief Executive of Hampshire Cultural Trust. Minutes: The Committee received a detailed update from Janet Owen, Chief Executive of the Hampshire Cultural Trust on the progress of the Flagship Galleries Project. The Committee were encouraged to hear the project was designed to inspire and connect a wide and diverse range of people to visual arts.
The Committee were encouraged to take part in discussions taking place with regards to the future visitor experience in Southampton.
The Committee noted that the job description for the Flagship Galleries Director post was being finalised for advertisement in the New Year. Any further comments Committee members wished to make should be forwarded to Liz Goodall who would co-ordinate the Committee’s response. |
Feedback from Trustees Meeting To receive a report from the Arts and Heritage Manager. Minutes: Councillor Kaur, Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Leisure reported positive support from the Trustees who passed on their thanks for the work undertaken by the Committee.
Insurance Sponsorship To receive a report from the Arts and Heritage Manager. Minutes: The Arts and Heritage Manager reported that insurance sponsorship had been secured by the appointment of UNIQA Insurance Group.
It was noted that UNIQA’s sponsorship would enable the Collection to be insured, their logo would appear on printed material and named personnel from UNIQA will be invited to Private Views at the Art Gallery
Art Gallery Bi-Annual Report To consider the report of the Arts and Heritage Manager detailing the Art Gallery Bi-Annual Report, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the Art Gallery Bi-Annual report detailing the key activities over the last six months and looking forward over the next year.
As a result of a contribution from the Hampshire Cultural Trust enabling extended opening hours post 3pm and opening on Sundays, it was noted the British Art Show 8 exhibition had attracted an uplift of 46% in visitor numbers.
It was also noted that succession planning in the form of training sessessions were in place to assist with the departure of Tim Craven, Curator. This would assist with ensuring knowledge of the Collection was shared with remaining staff. Once the post of Curator had been filled, post April next year, Tim would be spending some time with the successful applicant ensuring a successful handover.
The object of the training was to ensure resilience in the service, ensuring that knowledge is shared effectively with a number of staff in the Arts and Heritage Team. The training would also include a number of lectures from invited guests.
Discussion took place regarding what constituted a successful year, these included:
· An increase in visitor numbers. · The ability to show more of the paintings held in the Collection at any one time. · Ensure evidence is collected and monitored on engagement with a variety of communities. · Widening engagement with the Collection with schools, faith groups and communities.
It was agreed the Arts and Heritage Manager would provide the Committee with a breakdown of the number of visitors and specifically those attending as learning visitors. |
Chipperfield Bequest Fund Bank Accounts and Appointment of Financial Advisor To receive a report from the Arts and Heritage Manager. Minutes: The Committee noted that discussions were still taking place with the Head of Finance regarding the setting up of a separate bank account and the appointment of a financial advisor to the Committee.