Committee details

Health and Wellbeing Board

Purpose of committee



a)  The Health and Wellbeing Board is a committee of the Council under S102 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972.


b)  The Council has arranged under S101 of that Act for the discharge by the Board of such functions as are set out in the terms of reference set out below.


c)  Certain functions under S196 (2) of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 may be delegated by the Board to officers.  Full details may be found in the Officer’s Scheme of Delegation which may be obtained from the Democratic Services Manager. Other matters falling within these Terms of Reference may be delegated to a Sub Committee of the Board.

d)  Where a function or matter within the Board’s competence has been delegated to an officer or a sub-committee, the Board may exercise that function/matter concurrently with the officer to whom it has been delegated.

e)  The exercise of any function or matter within the Council’s competencies always subject to any relevant requirement of the Council’s Constitution including any Special Procedure and Protocol drawn up and approved by the Senior Manager: Legal, HR and Democratic Services in pursuance of Council Procedure Rule 26.2.  A Special Procedure giving effect to The Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health Scrutiny) Regulations 2013 has been approved in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 26.2. The Special Procedure disapplies the provisions of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 relating to the political proportionality on committees and sub-committees and providing that a person who is a member of the Board shall not be treated as a non-voting member unless the full Council directs otherwise, together with other voting and ancillary matters has been approved in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 26.2.



Contact information

Support officer: Ed Grimshaw Democratic Services Officer. 023 8083 2390