Don’t fall victim to crime

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Don’t fall victim to crime

We all need to keep our wits about us at the moment - to stop the spread of the virus and to stop criminals from exploiting the current situation.

Many fraudsters are using COVID-19 to scam innocent people by sending fake emails posing as official organisations. Action Fraud estimates that over £7 million has been lost by victims of coronavirus related scams.

Scam emails often contain links to genuine-looking websites that are designed to steal your personal and financial details. Be aware of any email, text or call that you receive asking for money or for your personal information. Always stop, think and ask a friend or family member for advice if you are concerned.

Find out how to spot the signs and how to protect yourself against a scam on the Citizens Advice website.

Here is a round-up of useful crime prevention advice from Hampshire Constabulary to help you identify some of the current scams that fraudsters are using.

Fake TV Licencing email

If you receive an email about your TV licence saying your direct debit has failed and you are eligible for a "COVID19 Personalised Offer" of six months free, this is a scam. Do not click on any links and do not make any payment. You can view a copy of the fake TV Licence email here.

HMRC scam

Some scammers are claiming to be from HMRC offering financial support or tax refunds as a result of coronavirus. If you receive an email, text or call claiming to be from HMRC and asking you to click on a link or give information such as your name, credit card or bank details, it's a scam. View a copy of the scam HMRC email and find out more infromation.

What to do if you think you have fallen victim to fraud

If you or someone you know has been a victim of fraud or cybercrime report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.

If you receive a suspicious email, including those about COVID-19, simply forward it to and if it is found to have malicious content, the National Cyber Security Centre will ensure it is taken down or blocked, helping prevent future victims of crime.

A new Victim Care Service has been launched to provide free, confidential support and advice for Hampshire residents who have been affected by crime. For more details send an email to Victim Support or call freephone 0808 178 1641.
