How to stay community spirited during this difficult time

Tenants' Link

How to stay community spirited during this difficult time

We all know the importance of social distancing, but what does this mean for tenants living in close proximity in blocks of flats?

Now more than ever before, our sense of community is paramount. If we’re all good neighbours, together we can help tackle the spread of COVID-19 and look after those in need.

Follow our advice below to help keep you, your family and your neighbours safe.

Getting rid of your rubbish

Our general waste and recycling collection services (excluding glass) are currently running as normal. Take your rubbish down to the bins as you usually would but remember to keep a distance of two metres from others at all times and wash your hands as soon as you get back home. If you are isolating in your house/flat because you have symptoms of COIVD-19 in the last seven days or if you are living with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 which started in the last 14 days then you need to put any personal waste/rubbish (for example used tissues and throw-away cleaning cloths) in a rubbish bag. Put this rubbish bag inside another rubbish bag and tie it closed. Keep it away from your other rubbish and keep it safe in your home for three days before taking it to your household bin outside.

Keep an eye on your neighbours

If you live near elderly or vulnerable neighbours please keep an eye out for them at this difficult time. This is especially important if you know someone who lives alone as, whatever their age, they are likely to be feeling extremely isolated at this time of crisis. Offer your support in any way you can; from offering to pick up shopping or prescriptions for those who cannot leave their home, to making time to telephone for a friendly chat to provide much-needed companionship.

Respect others

With everyone cooped up at home it’s important to respect your neighbours and keep noise levels to a minimum. Please keep your television and stereo turned down, don’t practice musical instruments for long periods, or carry out noisy DIY. Our Local Housing Offices are contactable if you need to report any noise problems but please bear in mind that quarantine measures are affecting staffing levels so only get in touch with us if you really need to.

Keep your distance

If you have to leave your flat to go shopping or to get medicine, always remember to keep a distance of two metres from anyone you might meet when you’re out. This includes when you’re in communal areas, walkways and out on the street. If your block has lifts always follow the rule of ‘one in one out’ so you’re never inside a lift and in close proximity to another person. Be patient, be considerate and stay safe.

Wash your hands

Wash your hands as soon as you get home and carry a hand sanitiser gel with you if possible so you can clean your hands after touching communal handrails, door handles or lift buttons. And most importantly, avoid touching your face.

Remember to keep safe, respect others, act responsibly and follow the latest government advice. You can keep up to date with the local situation around COVID-19 on our dedicated webpages which contain local information and updates about council services.
