Make sure your electricity supply stays connected during lockdown

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Make sure your electricity supply stays connected during lockdown

Worried about how to charge your energy meter during lockdown or struggling to pay your bill? We’ve got your questions covered.

I can’t leave home to charge my pre-paid energy meter!

Don’t worry, there are several things you can do to ensure you still have electricity at home:

  • Get a friend or a family member to top-up the meter for you at a shop displaying the PayPoint logo or at a Post Office. Check the PayPoint website for locations and to find out to find which stores are open.

(Make sure you ask someone you know and trust to do this for you.)

  • Top up your meter with extra money, if possible
  • Contact your energy supplier and ask them what you can do. You can find their contact details on your energy statement or on their website. Energy suppliers have agreed a package of emergency measures with the government to support vulnerable customers at this time. Your supplier may offer you one of the following options:
    • Sending someone to charge your prepayment key/card (make sure it is a genuine company official and the transaction is arranged with your energy supplier).
    • Adding funds directly to your meter (this will have to be paid later).
    • Sending you a pre-loaded card by post (this will have to be paid later).

Remember, if you do hand over money to someone else to top up your meter on your behalf, always confirm the details with your energy supplier first and ask to see ID.

I’ve lost my prepayment card/key

Contact your energy company. If you are a smart meter customer, you should be able to top up remotely, such as by phone, mobile app or online.

What will happen if I go into debt?

Don’t worry, your energy company will work with you to find a solution. You won’t be disconnected during this period. Contact them as soon as possible if you are struggling or think you might miss a payment so you can work out a way forward together.

Here are some useful websites and links with more information about your energy supply during the coronavirus pandemic.


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