Speak up and help keep your neighbourhood safe

Tenants' Link
Cuckooing 871X581

Speak up and help keep your neighbourhood safe

Local residents are one of the biggest tools in the fight against crime in our communities, as neighbours are best placed to notice suspicious behaviour going on next door

With your help, we can work to keep our neighbourhoods safe. Together with Hampshire Constabulary we’re asking you to stay aware and keep your eyes out for signs of cuckooing.

Cuckooing is when criminal gangs take over the homes of vulnerable people to use their property for drug dealing and crime. It is called “cuckooing” as cuckoos take over the nests of other birds. Dealers approach vulnerable people who are lonely, isolated, and often already using drugs themselves, and offer free drugs in return for the use of their property. Whilst this allows the criminals to manufacture and deal drugs in a residential setting under the police radar, it means that local communities are being put in danger. The drug dealers exploit and intimidate their victim so that they are too scared to call a halt to the situation and contact the Police for help.

That’s why we need your assistance to spot potential signs of drug dealing and criminal behaviour that might be taking place on your street or in your block. Please stay aware and let us know if you notice:

  • An increase in the number of people coming and going from a nearby property
  • New vehicles, hire cars or bikes parked outside
  • An increase in antisocial behaviour in and around the property
  • That your neighbour hasn’t been seen for a while

If you think you have spotted a drugs “cuckoo” please contact your Local Housing Office or call the Police on 101.

If you don’t want to speak to the police directly, you can call the anonymous Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.
