Walk and talk in your neighbourhood

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Close Up Of Person's Shoes Walking Down Street

Walk and talk in your neighbourhood

Walk off those Christmas calories with a stroll around your local neighbourhood - and help improve the area and meet new people at the same time.

Join one of our regular estate walkabouts to show us if anything needs repairing, cleaning, or sorting out locally.

The regular events are great opportunities for you to chat with council staff about any local issues – from cleaning to car parking or grass cutting to graffiti. As you stroll around the neighbourhood you can point out concerns to staff, such as untidy gardens, damaged pavements, abandoned vehicles, litter, broken play equipment or repairs needed, and we’ll then take action to get the problems resolved. We’ll even set a target date so you know when to expect the issue to be sorted and we will display the results on local noticeboards.

As these are community events open to all, walkabouts are also a chance for you to get to know local staff who cover your ‘patch’ and meet other members of the local community. Colleagues from other departments such as Open Spaces are often invited to join in too.

Eileen, a tenant in St Deny’s says she often attends the local walkabouts with other members of her local Tenants Association PRADOS to raise important issues on behalf of other residents. Eileen says: “We find the walkabouts are really useful to address issues with council employees and we find that we are able to get most of the problems that arise solved so it shows these walkabouts are important.”

To find out when and where your local event will take place, check the online walkabout timetable, ask your local Neighbourhood Warden, email the Tenant Engagement Team or contact your Local Housing Office for details.

So if you’ve got an issue or a suggestion about your local area don’t sit at home moaning, tell us about it, and even better join in a walkabout and show us!
