We want you to celebrate Christmas in your home

Tenants' Link

We want you to celebrate Christmas in your home

We know COVID-19 has made life difficult for many people, and coupled with the expense of Christmas, many households will be struggling financially.

But, despite the current financial pressures, it’s still essential that you continue to pay your rent.

If you’re struggling to make ends meet, for whatever reason, please talk to us via email at cpd.general@southampton.gov.uk or call our Customer Payment and Debt team on 023 8083 3388 so we can help work out a way forward and prevent you from losing your home.

Paying your rent is part of your tenancy agreement and essential to keep the roof over your head. Although evictions are only taken as a last resort, unfortunately they do happen when tenants breach the terms of the tenancy agreement, for example by not paying rent or behaving antisocially.

We do everything we can to try to prevent evictions, for example by offering money and debt advice to help anyone struggling to pay their rent and bills and providing a mediation service to help resolve antisocial behaviour disputes.

Remember, if you are evicted from a council property, you’ll not only lose your home but you may be banned from applying for social housing in the future.

Please get in touch with our Welfare Rights & Money Advice Team at welfarerights.advice@southampton.gov.uk if you have any concerns or queries about money, debt or benefits. The friendly team of advisors offer free, confidential advice and support to help you receive your full benefit entitlement, better manage your household budget and tackle debt issues.
