Short Breaks and respite care for children with disabilities or additional needs

Short Breaks are for children and young people with disabilities or additional needs. They are an opportunity to spend time away from parents, engage in fun activities and enjoy time with friends.

They offer parents/carers a break from their caring responsibilities and time to spend with other family members and to catch-up on other daily tasks.

The Short Breaks programme is open to all children and young people who:

  • Have a disability or additional needs and may require support to participate fully in leisure or recreation activities
  • Are aged between 0 and 18
  • Live within Southampton City Council boundaries

Child at the beach

There are four tiers of support offered through the Short Breaks programme. These are available depending on the child's level of need.

The Southampton Short Break Statement provides more details. This includes information on the current range of short break services, the eligibility criteria and how to access them.

The Buzz Network

The Buzz Network is a group for Southampton parents/carers of children and young people with a disability or additional needs. It gives you access to discounts and benefits at a range of organisations in Southampton and beyond.

Find out more about The Buzz Network.

Levels of support

Low tier of support SHOW

Medium tier of support SHOW

Substantial tier of support SHOW

Complex tier of support SHOW

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