Tax-free childcare

Tax-free childcare has been rolled out to nearly two million households to help with the cost of childcare, enabling more parents to go out to work, if they want to, to provide greater security for their families.

The scheme is open to all eligible families with children under 12. It may also be available for children with disabilities up to the age of 17.

Parents will need to reconfirm their eligibility for tax-free childcare every three months.

Is it for me? See the Government's Childcare Choices website.

How do I apply? SHOW

What will the government pay into my account? SHOW

At what age are my children covered by the scheme? SHOW

Who will qualify? SHOW

Will my employer-supported childcare stop? SHOW

Am I limited to how much I can pay in at any time? SHOW

If I put money into my account, can I withdraw it again? SHOW

Can I use a specific childcare provider? SHOW

What if I get tax credits, Universal Credit or childcare vouchers? SHOW

I have already applied for an account – where can I access it? SHOW

I've had technical issues accessing tax-free childcare SHOW