How to cut your waiting time for a council home

Tenants' Link

How to cut your waiting time for a council home

If you are a current tenant and are looking to move home, or you’re on the Housing Register waiting for a property, you could be in for a long wait.

If you are a current tenant and are looking to move home, or you’re on the Housing Register waiting for a property, you could be in for a long wait. Read on to find out how you can reduce your waiting time and move into a new home sooner.

With over 8000 people on the waiting list and a shortage of homes available, it means wait times of seven to 10 years for larger family homes and up to four years for studio, one and two-bedroom properties. Follow our top tips to cut the waiting game:

Only bid for homes you will accept. If you are currently bidding on properties on Homebid only bid for the homes you are genuinely interested in. Bidding on homes that you have no intention of accepting simply lengthens the process for everyone and contributes to long waiting lists. Think carefully about each property and the location before placing a bid, and check the street view online to make sure the property and the area is one where you’d be happy to live. If you don’t like any available properties don't place a bid; you won’t be removed from the waiting list by not bidding. However, if you have been awarded short-term points for urgent rehousing, it is important you bid each week for any suitable properties that meet your needs.

Consider a mutual exchange. If you already live in a council home, you can apply to swap homes with another tenant. Simply register for free on the Homeswapper website to find other tenants in Southampton and across the country who would like to swap properties. You will need to complete an application form and get permission from your Housing Officer before you can make an exchange.

Buy your own home with the Help To Buy or Shared Ownership schemes. If you would like to get on the property ladder but can’t afford a large deposit to buy your own place you could benefit from one of these two government schemes.

Help To Buy enables you to apply for an interest free equity loan from the Government of up to 20% of the cost of a new build property. It means you can buy your own home with just 5% deposit.

Shared ownership means you buy a share of the new property meaning you need a smaller deposit and a smaller mortgage. As a council we are building new homes in the city that will be available on a shared-ownership basis. Look out for updates in future issues of Tenants’ Link.
