Adopted Core Strategy (amended 2015)

The Core Strategy is one of the plans that make up the adopted Local Plan. It has a spatial vision to show what the city will look like and feel like in 2026. The vision will be delivered through strategic objectives which are grouped together under three headings:

  • A growing regional centre within a prosperous South Hampshire
  • Strong and distinctive neighbourhoods - a good place to live
  • An environmentally sustainable city

The Core Strategy was adopted in January 2010 following a public examination and replaced some of the policies in the Local Plan Review (updated 2015). Appendices 4 and 5 of the Core Strategy set out a list of the policies replaced. It was amended in March 2015 to incorporate changes in the adopted Core Strategy Partial Review. These included the reduction in development targets for new office and retail floorspace and the inclusion of a presumption in favour of sustainable development.

The table of policies applying to sites in Southampton shows which policies in the amended Core Strategy, amended Local Plan Review, City Centre Action Plan and Bassett Neighbourhood Plan apply to sites in the city centre and outside.

Document Type Size
Amended Core Strategy inc CSPR Final (13 March 2015)pdf3.5 MB
Amended Core Strategy - Appendix 2 PTAL Mappdf179.9 KB
Table of policies applying to sites in Southamptonpdf211.6 KB
Core Strategy - Examination Final Report October 2009pdf329.7 KB
Annex 2 - Table of Changes Put Forwardpdf48.4 KB
Annex 3a - Key Diagrampdf165.0 KB
Annex 3b - Maps 2 and 3pdf313.4 KB
Annex 4 - Council's New Text for Paragraph 4.3pdf21.7 KB