Minerals & Waste Plan (2013)

Southampton City Council jointly prepared the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan (HMWP) with Hampshire County Council, Portsmouth City Council, New Forest National Park Authority, and South Downs National Park Authority. The plan sets out a long term vision and strategy up to 2030. It is used to determine any planning applications which affect minerals or waste development in the city.

There was a public examination of the Minerals and Waste Plan in June 2012 and March 2013. Further information can be found on Hampshire County Council's website. The Inspector concluded that with the main modifications set out in his report that the Minerals and Waste Plan was ‘sound’. It was adopted by Southampton City Council in September 2013.

A Partial Update of the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan is currently being progressed and has now reached the independent examination stage. Find out more on Emerging Plans.