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Councillor James Baillie
Councillor Josh Allen
Councillor Amanda Barnes-Andrews
Councillor Peter Baillie
Councillor Katherine Barbour
Councillor Jaden Beaurain
Councillor Richard Blackman
Councillor Mrs Sue Blatchford
Councillor Sarah Bogle
Councillor Matthew Bunday
Councillor Sam Chapman
Councillor Gordon Cooper
Councillor Christian Cox
Councillor Mike Denness
Councillor Pat Evemy
Councillor Lorna Fielker
Councillor Marie Finn
Councillor Andy Frampton
Councillor Yvonne Frampton
Councillor Steven Galton
Councillor Sally Goodfellow
Councillor Thomas Gravatt
Councillor Rebecca Greenhalgh
Councillor Rob Harwood
Councillor Alex Houghton
Councillor Toqeer Kataria
Councillor Pam Kenny
Councillor Eamonn Keogh
Councillor Alice Kloker
Councillor Ginnie Lambert
Councillor Christie Lambert
Councillor Valerie Laurent
Councillor Steve Leggett
Councillor Simon Letts
Councillor Rebecca McCreanor
Councillor Eugene McManus
Councillor Jeremy Moulton
Councillor John Noon
Councillor Warwick Payne
Councillor Sarah Powell-Vaughan
Councillor Jacqui Rayment
Councillor Matthew Renyard
Councillor John Savage
Councillor Rob Stead
Councillor Phil Webb
Councillor Lee Whitbread
Councillor Vivienne Windle
Councillor Alexander Winning
Councillor Sarah Wood