Last updated: 18-05-2023. From web page: Council Constitution.

Council Constitution 13 Part 5 - Officer Code of Conduct

Officer Code of Conduct

Honesty and Integrity

The employee should perform his duties with integrity, honesty, impartiality and objectivity.


The employee is accountable for his actions to the authority.

Respect for Others

The employee should —

  1. treat members and co-opted members of the authority professionally; and
  2. not discriminate unlawfully against any person, and should treat others with respect, regardless of their race, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability


The employee should —

  1. use any public funds entrusted to him in a responsible and lawful manner; and
  2. not make personal use of property or facilities of the authority unless properly authorised to do so.

Personal Interests

The employee should —

  1. not allow his private interests to conflict with the interests of the authority;
  2. not use his position to improperly confer an advantage or disadvantage on any person;
  3. comply with any requirements of the authority to register or declare interests; and
  4. comply with any requirements of the authority to declare hospitality, benefits or gifts received.


The employee should —

  1. endeavour to use the authority’s confidential reporting procedure (Duty to Act) wherever he becomes aware of actions by other employees which are inconsistent with this Code; and
  2. familiarise himself with his rights and responsibilities under the Council’s Whistle blowing Policy (Duty to Act).


The employee should —

  1. not disclose information given to him in confidence by anyone, without the consent of a person authorised to give it, or unless he is required by law to do so; and
  2. not prevent another person from gaining access to information to which that person is entitled by law.

Appointment of staff

The employee should not be involved in the appointment or any other decision relating to the discipline, promotion or pay and conditions of another employee or prospective employee to whom they are related or with whom they have a close personal relationship.

Duty of trust

The employee should —

  1. not conduct himself in a manner which could reasonably be regarded as bringing his authority into serious disrepute; and
  2. act in accordance with the trust that the public is entitled to place in him.

Political neutrality

The employee should observe statutory restrictions on his political activities.